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1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约本公约各缔约国, ;;;; 本着制订一致同意的海员培训、发证和值班的国际标准,以增进海上人命与财产的安全和保护海洋环境的愿望, ;;;; 考虑到达到这一目的的最好办法为缔结一项海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约, ;;;; 现经协议如下: ;;;; 第一条 公约的一般义务 ;;;; 一、各缔约国承担义务实施本公约及其附则的各项规定,该附则为本公约的组成部分。凡引用本公约时,同时也就是引用该附则。 ;;;; 二、各缔约国承担义务颁布一切必要的法律、法令、命令和规则,并采取一切必要的其它措施,使本公约充分和完全生效,以便从海上人命与财产的安全和保护海洋环境的观点出发,保证船上的海员胜任其职责。 ;;;; 第二条 定 义 ;;;; 除另有明文规定者外,就本公约而言: ;;;; 一、“缔约国”系指本公约已对之生效的国家; ;;;; 二、“主管机关”系指船舶有权悬挂其国旗的缔约国政府; ;;;; 三、“证书”系指由主管机关颁发或经主管机关授权颁发或为主管机关所认可的一种有效文件(不论其名称如何),该文件委派其持有人担任该文件中所指定的或国家规章所规定的职务; ;;;; 四、“具有了证书的”系指持有恰当的证书; ;;;; 五、“组织”系指政府间海事协商组织(海协); ;;;; 六、“秘书长”系指海协组织秘书长; ;;;; 七、“海船”系指除了在内陆水域中或者遮蔽水域或港章所适用的区域以内或与此两者紧邻的水域中航行的船舶以外的船舶; ;;;; 八、“渔船”系指用于捕捞鱼类、鲸鱼、海豹、海象或其他海洋生物资源的船舶; ;;;; 九、“无线电规则”系指附于或被视作附于随时有效的最新国际电信公约的无线电规则。 ;;;; 第三条 适用范围 ;;;; 本公约适用于在有权悬挂缔约国国旗的海船上工作的海员,但在下列船上工作的海员不在此例: ;;;; 一、军舰、海军辅助舰船或者为国家拥有或营运而只从事于政府的非商业性服务的其他船舶;但是各缔约国应采取无损于其拥有或营运的此类船舶的作业或作业能力的适当措施以保证在此类船上工作的人员,在合理可行的范围内符合本公约的要求; ;;;; 二、渔船; ;;;; 三、非营业的游艇;或 ;;;; 四、构造简单的木船。 ;;;; 第四条 资料交流 ;;;; 一、各缔约国应尽速将下述资料送交秘书长: ;;;; 1. 就本公约范围内各项事宜所颁布的法律、法令、规则及文件的文本; ;;;; 2. 为根据本公约规定所颁发的每一种证书而设置的学习课程内容和期限的详细情况(如适当时)及其国家的考试和其他要求; ;;;; 3. 根据本公约规定所颁发的证书足够数量的样本。 ;;;; 二、秘书长应将本条第一款第1项所规定的任何资料的收到情况通知所有缔约国,同时为了第九条和第十条的目的,在承索时,特别应将按本条第一款第2项和第3项所送交的资料提供给这些国家。 ;;;; 第五条 其它条约与解释 ;;;; 一、缔约国之间现行有效的一切以前的关于海员培训、发证和值班标准的条约、公约及协定,在其有效期间,对以下所述应继续完全和充分有效: ;;;; 1. 不适用于本公约的海员; ;;;; 2. 适用于本公约的海员但本公约未予明文规定的事项。 ;;;; 二、但是,在这些条约、公约或协定与本公约规定相抵触的方面,各缔约国应对其按这些条约、公约及协定所承担的义务重新予以审查,以保证这些义务与其根据本公约所承担的责任不相抵触。 ;;;; 三、凡本公约中未予明文规定的事项,仍受缔约国法律的约束。 ;;;; 四、本公约的任何规定,均不得损害根据联合国大会C(XXV)第2750号决议召开的联合国海洋法会议对海洋法的编纂和发展,也不得损害任何国家目前和今后就海洋法以及沿海国和船旗国的管辖权的性质和范围所提出的要求和法律上的意见。 ;;;; 第六条 证 书 ;;;; 一、船长、高级船员或一般船员的证书,应颁发给按照本公约附则的相应规定、主管机关满意地认为在服务、年龄、健康、训练、资格和考试各方面都符合要求的应试者。 ;;;; 二、按本条规定发给船长和高级船员的证书,应由发证的主管机关按附则第I/2条规定的形式予以签证。如所用文字不是英文,则该签注应包括有英文译文。 ;;;; 第七条 过渡规定 ;;;; 一、在本公约对某一缔约国生效前,按缔约国法律或无线电规则,对本公约要求具有证书的职位所颁发的适任或职务证书,在本公约对该缔约国生效后,仍应被认为是有效的。 ;;;; 二、本公约对某一缔约国生效后,其主管机关可继续在不超过五年的期间内,按其过去的做法颁发适任证书。就本公约而言,这种证书应被认为是有效的。在这一过渡期间内,这种证书只应颁发给在本公约对该缔约国生效前业已开始在与这种证书有关的船上特定部门内从事海上工作的海员。主管机关应保证对所有其他要求取得证书的应试者均按本公约的规定进行考试和发证。 ;;;; 三、在本公约对某一缔约国生效后两年之内,该缔约国可对在本公约对该缔约国生效前既未持有本公约规定的适当证书,也未持有按该缔约国法律颁发的适任证书的海员,颁发职务证书,但这些海员应: ;;;; 1. 在本公约对该缔约国生效前的最近七年之内,至少在海上按其所要求取得的职务证书的职位已工作了三年; ;;;; 2. 已提出其令人满意地执行该项职务的证据; ;;;; 3. 已使主管机关参照其申请时的年龄认为健康状况、包括视力和听力均属合格。 ;;;; 就本公约而言,根据本款规定颁发的职务证书,应视为等同于根据本公约规定所颁发的证书。 ;;;; 第八条 特 免 ;;;; 一、在特殊需要的情况下,主管机关如认为对人员、财产和环境不致造成危险时,可颁发特免证明,允许某一指明的海员在某一指明的船上,在为期不超过6个月的指定期间内,担任他并未执有适当证书的职位(除有关的无线电规则所规定者外,无线电报务员和无线电话务员不在此例),但是,被发给这种特免证明的人员,应系主管机关满意地认为能安全地充分胜任其所补空缺者。然而,除在不可抗力的情况下外,对船长或轮机长不得给予特免证明,因而在这种情况下所给予的这种证明其期限应尽可能地短。 ;;;; 二、凡给予某职位的特免证明,只应发给适当证明可充任仅比该职务低一级职务的人员。如本公约对该项低一级的职位并无证书要求,则可对主管机关认为其资格和经验显然相当于所要充任的职位的要求的人员颁发特免证明,但是,如果该人并未持有相应的证书,则应通过一个主管机关可接受的考试,以表明这种特免证明的颁发是安全的。此外,主管机关应保证尽速由持有相应证书的人员来充任该项职位。 ;;;; 三、各缔约国应于每年元月一日后,尽速向秘书长送交一份报告,说明一年中间海船所颁发的关于有证书要求的每项职位的特免证明的总数,以及分别说明总吨位在1600吨以上和以下的这些船舶的艘数。 ;;;; 第九条 等 效 ;;;; 一、本公约的规定不应妨碍主管机关保留或采取其它教育和训练的安排,包括涉及专门适应技术上的发展和特种船舶及贸易的水上业务和船上组织的教育和训练的安排,但在船、货航行和技术操作方面,海上服务、知识与效率的水平,应保证并具有至少相当于本公约要求的海上安全程度和防污的效果。 ;;;; 二、应尽早将这种安排的详情报告秘书长,秘书长则应将这种详情通知所有缔约国。 ;;;; 第十条 监 督 ;;;; 一、除第三条所排除的船舶外,船舶在一缔约国的港口时,应受该缔约国正式授权的官员的监督,以核实船上凡公约要求具有证书的海员均持有证书或适当的特免证明。除非有明显的理由认为证书系骗取的或持证人不是该证书原来所发给的本人,否则此类证书应予承认。 ;;;; 二、在根据第一款或附则第I/4条“监督程序”的规定发现任何缺陷时,执行监督的官员应以书面通知该船船长及船旗国的领事或(在无领事时)最近的外交代表或海事管理当局,以便采取适当的措施。这种通知应说明所发现的缺陷的细节,以及该缔约国据以判定这些缺陷对人员、财产和环境危险的理由。 ;;;; 三、在根据第一款的规定执行监督时,如果考虑到船舶的大小和类型以及航程的长短和性质,附则第I/4条第三款中所述的缺陷未能纠正,并经判定这将对人员、财产或环境构成危险时,执行监督的缔约国应采取措施,务使符合这些要求,从而危险得以消除后,才准其开航。关于所采取的行动的实情,应立即报告秘书长。 ;;;; 四、在根据本条执行监督时,应尽量避免使船舶受到不适当的扣留或延误。如果船舶受到这种扣留或延误,则该船对于由此而引起的任何损失或损害,有权要求赔偿。 ;;;; 五、本条规定应根据必要予以施行,以保证不给予有权悬挂非缔约国国旗的船舶以比有权悬挂缔约国国旗的船舶以较为优惠的待遇。 ;;;; 第十一条 促进技术合作 ;;;; 一、本公约缔约国应与本组织协商并在本组织的协助下,促进并支持对下述有技术援助要求的缔约国: ;;;; 1. 培训行政管理的技术人员; ;;;; 2. 建立海员培训学校; ;;;; 3. 供应培训学校的设备与设施; ;;;; 4. 制订适当的培训计划,包括在海船上的实际训练; ;;;; 5. 促进提高海员资历的其它措施与安排。 ;;;; 考虑到发展中国家在这方面的特殊需要,这些援助宜以国家、分区或地区为基础,以推进本公约的目的和宗旨。 ;;;; 二、本组织方面,应根据情况与其他国际组织特别是国际劳工组织进行协商或联合,对以上所述作出努力。 ;;;; 第十二条 修 正 案 ;;;; 一、本公约可按下述的任一程序进行修正: ;;;; 1. 经本组织内审议后的修正: ;;;; (1)一缔约国提议的任何修正案,应提交给秘书长,然后由秘书长至少在审议此修正案之前六个月分发给本组织所有会员、所有缔约国及国际劳工组织总干事; ;;;; (2)按上述规定提议和周知的任何修正案,应提交给本组织海上安全委员会审议; ;;;; (3)缔约国,不论其是否为本组织的会员,均有权参加海上安全委员会对修正案进行审议和通过的会议; ;;;; (4)修正案应在按本款第(3)项所规定的扩大的海上安全委员会(以下简称为“海上安全委员会扩大会议”)上,以到会并投票的缔约国的2/3多数通过,但在表决时,至少应有1/3的缔约国出席; ;;;; (5)这样通过的修正案,应由秘书长通知所有缔约国,以供接受; ;;;; (6)对于条款的修正案,在其为2/3的缔约国接受之日,即应视为已被接受; ;;;; (7)对于附则的修正案,在下列情况下,应视为已被接受: ;;;; (i)自通知缔约国供其接受之日起满两年时;或 ;;;; (ii)在海上安全委员会扩大会议上通过该修正 ;;;; 案时经到会并投票的缔约国2/3多数所确定的 ;;;; 另一期限届满时,但这一期限不得少于一年; ;;;; 但是,如果在规定的期间内,有1/3以上的缔约国,或其商船总和不少于世界100总登记吨及100总登记吨以上的商船总吨位的50%的缔约国,通知秘书长反对该修正案,则该修正案应视为未被接受; ;;;; (8)对条款的修正案,对已接受该修正案的各缔约国,应在其视为已被接受之后经过六个月生效;对在该修正案被视为接受之日后接受该修正案的每一缔约国,则应在该缔约国接受之日后经过六个月生效; ;;;; (9)对附则的修正案,应在其视为已被接受之日后过六个月对所有缔约国生效,但按第1项第(7)目的规定对该修正案提出过反对且未曾撤销该项反对的缔约国除外。在规定的生效日期之前,任何缔约国可通知秘书长,在该修正案生效之日起不超过一年的期间内,或在海上安全委员会扩大会议通过该修正案时经到会并投票的缔约国的2/3多数确定的较此为长的期间内,该缔约国免于实施该修正案。 ;;;; 2. 会议修正: ;;;; (1)应一个缔约国的请求,并至少有1/3缔约国的同意,本组织应与国际劳工组织总干事联合或与之协商召开一次缔约国会议来审议对本公约的修正案; ;;;; (2)凡由这种会议以到会并投票的缔约国的2/3多数通过的修正案,应由秘书长通知所有缔约国,以供接受; ;;;; (3)除会议另有决定外,该修正案应分别按第1项第(6)目和第(8)目或第1项第(7)目和第(9)目中所规定的程序视为已被接受和生效,但这些项目中所提到的海上安全委员会扩大会议应被认为是指的缔约国政府会议。 ;;;; 二、对于一项修正案的任何接受或反对的声明,或根据第一款第1项第(9)目所作的任何通知,均应以书面提交给秘书长。秘书长应将此类文件的提交及其收到日期通知所有缔约国。 ;;;; 三、秘书长应将任何生效的修正案连同每项这种修正案的生效日期通知所有缔约国。 ;;;; 第十三条 签字、批准、接受、核准和加入 ;;;; 一、本公约自1978年12月1日起至1979年11月30日止,在本组织总部开放供签字,此后应继续开放供加入。任何国家可按下列方式参加本公约: ;;;; 1. 签字而对批准、接受或核准无保留;或 ;;;; 2. 签字而有待批准、接受或核准,随后再予批准、接受或核准; ;;;; 3. 加入。 ;;;; 二、批准、接受、核准或加入,应向秘书长交存一份相应的文件。 ;;;; 三、秘书长应将任何签字,或关于批准、接受、核准或加入的任何文件的交存及其交存日期,通知已签字或已加入本公约的所有国家和国际劳工组织总干事。 ;;;; 第十四条 生 效 ;;;; 一、本公约应在至少有25个国家,其商船总和不少于全世界100总登记吨及100总登记吨以上的商船总吨的50%,按第十三条已签字而对批准、接受或核准无保留,或已交存所需的关于批准、接受、核准或加入的文件之后,经过12个月生效。 ;;;; 二、秘书长应将本公约的生效日期通知所有已签字或已加入本公约的国家。 ;;;; 三、凡在第1款所述的12个月的期间内交存的批准、接受、核准或加入的文件,应在本公约生效之日生效,或在交存上述文件之日起过三个月生效,以较晚者为准。 ;;;; 四、凡在本公约生效之日后交存的批准、接受、核准或加入的文件,应在交存之日后经过三个月生效。 ;;;; 五、在修正案根据第十二条规定视为已被接受之日后交存的任何批准、接受、核准或加入的文件,应适用于修正后的公约。 ;;;; 第十五条 退 出 ;; ;;一、任何缔约国,在本公约对其生效满五年后,可随时退出本公约。 ;;;; 二、退出本公约应以书面通知秘书长。秘书长应将收到的任何这种通知和收到日期以及退出的生效日期,通知所有其他缔约国和国际劳工组织总干事。 ;;;; 三、退出本公约应在秘书长收到退出通知一年后,或该通知中所载明的任何较此为长的期限届满后生效。 ;;;; 第十六条 保管和登记 ;;;; 一、本公约应交由秘书长保管,秘书长应将核证无误的本公约副本分发所有已签字或已加入本公约的国家。 ;;;; 二、本公约一经生效,秘书长应即按照联合国宪章第一百零二条的规定,将本公约文本送联合国秘书长登记并公布。 ;;;; 第十七条 文 字 ;;;; 本公约正本一份,用中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文写成,各种文本具有同等效力。应准备有阿拉伯文、德文的正式译本,与签署的正本一并存放。 ;;;; 下列具名的经各自政府授权的代表,特签署本公约,以昭信守。 ;;;; 1978年7月7日订于伦敦。 ;;;; 附则 ;;;; ;;;; 第一章 总 则 ;;;; 规则I/1 定 义 ;;;; 除另有明文规定者外,就本公约而言: ;;;; 1. “规则”系指公约附件中的规则; ;;;; 2. “认可”系指主管机关的认可; ;;;; 3. “船长”系指指挥一条船的人; ;;;; 4. “高级船员”系指船长以外的由国家法律或规则所指派或在没有这种指派时,由集体协议或习惯法指派的任一船员; ;;;; 5. “驾驶员”系指甲板部合格的高级船员; ;;;; 6. “大副”系指级别仅低于船长的驾驶员,并在船长不能工作时由其指挥船舶; ;;;; 7. “轮机员”系指轮机部的合格的高级船员; ;;;; 8. “轮机长”系指负责船舶机械推进职能的高级轮机员; ;;;; 9. “大管轮”系指级别仅低于轮机长的轮机员,并在轮机长不能工作时由其负责船舶的机械推进; ;;;; 10. “助理轮机员”系指正在培训并将由国家法律或规则指派为轮机员的人; ;;;; 11. “电报员”系指持有一级或二级无线电报员证书或持有按无线电规则规定颁发的水上行动业务无线电通讯报务员一般证书的人,他在国际海上人命安全公约所要求的船上无线电台工作; ;;;; 12. “无线电话务员”系指持有按无线电规则规定颁发的适当的证书者; ;;;; 13. “一般船员”系指船长或高级船员以外的船员; ;;;; 14. “近岸航行”系指缔约国规定的在其附近的航行; ;;;; 15. “推进动力”系指船舶登记证书或其它官方文件上出现的以千瓦计的功率; ;;;; 16. “无线电职责”包括(如为适当时),根据无线电规则、国际海上人命安全公约及由各主管机关自行决定的有关海协建议案中的值班和技术保养及修理; ;;;; 17. “油轮”系指建造成和应用于运载散装石油和石油产品的船舶; ;;;; 18. “化学品船”系指建造成和应用于运载海协“运载散装危险化学品船舶的构造和设备规则”中所列的任何散装液体化学品的船舶; ;;;; 19. “液化气体船”系指建造成和应用于运载海协“运载散装液化气船舶的构造和设备规则”中所列的任何液化气体的船舶。 ;;;; 规则I/2 证书的内容和签证的格式 ;;;; 一、证书必须用官方语言或发证国语言。如使用的语言不是英语,必须包括英语译文。 ;;;; 二、关于电报员和无线电话务员,主管机关可: ;;;; 1. 包括为签发符合无线电规则要求的证书而举行的考试中所要求的本公约附件有关规则的附加知识;或 ;;;; 2. 颁发一张单独的证书,指明证书持有者具有公约附件中所要求的附加知识。 ;;;; 三、公约第六条所要求的证书签证格式须按下列形式:;;;;;;;;;;;;; 证书签证形式;;;;;;;;;;;;; -------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 证书的签证(公章);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (国家);;; 根据1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约规定发给;;;;;;;;; 二者选一; (××)政府证明;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 本人(以下签字者)证明;;; 现证书/证书编号:___,发给×××(姓名),;;; 按1978年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约××规则规定,完全有资格作为________,仅有下列局限:此处填局限)______; 或;;;;; )_____填“无”)_____(如为适当时)本签证签发日期:______(公章);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 签字_____;;;;;;; ;;;;;;(正式授权之官员姓名和签字)持证人出生日期:_______持证人签字:_______;;;; ;;;; 规则I/3 有关近岸航行的原则 ;;;; 1. 就本公约而言,任何规定近岸航行的缔约国不得将培训、经验或发证方面的要求强加于在悬挂另一缔约国国旗并从事此类航行的船上服务的海员,以造成对这些船员的要求比在悬挂自己国旗的船上服务的海员更为严格的情况。在任何情况下,此缔约国不得把超过公约中有关从事非近岸航行船舶的要求,强加于在悬挂另一缔约国国旗船上服务的海员。 ;;;; 2. 对于悬挂缔约国国旗、航行于另一缔约国海岸附近的定期近岸航行的船舶,其船旗国须为在此种船上服务的海员规定至少相当于船舶所航经的缔约国的培训、经验和发证要求,但这些要求不能超过公约对于非近岸航行的船舶的要求。航行超出一缔约国所规定的近岸航行并进入定义未涉及水域的船舶,须履行公约的要求,不得因本条规定而有所放宽。 ;;;; 3. 一缔约国可对有权悬挂其国旗的船舶,在其定期的另一非缔约国海岸附近从事近岸航行时,给予本公约有关近岸航行规定的利益。 ;;;; 4. 本规则中的内容在任何情况下都不得限制任何国家的管辖权,不论其是否为缔约国。 ;;;; 规则I/4 监督程序 ;;;; 一、一个正式授权的监督官员按第十条规定行使的监督应限于下述方面: ;;;; 1. 按第十条第一款规定核实所有在船上服务而公约又要求发证的海员都持有有效的证书或有效的特免证明; ;;;; 2. 如果因在一缔约国港内或进入该港时发生了下列情况而有理由认为未能维持值班标准时,判断公约所要求的船上海员维持值班标准的能力情况: ;;;; (1)船舶发生碰撞、搁浅或触礁;或 ;;;; (2)船舶在航行、锚泊或靠泊时从船上排放按国际公约规定为非法物质;或 ;;;; (3)船舶操作不稳定或不安全或未按航向标志或分道通航制航行。 ;;;; 二、在按第一款采取的监督活动中发现下列缺陷时,监督官员应按第十条规定,向船长和船旗国相应的代表提出书面情况: ;;;; 1. 海员不持有所要求的适当有效的证书或有效的特免证明; ;;;; 2. 未按船旗国规定要求作航海或轮机值班安排; ;;;; 3. 值班中无合格人员操作对安全航行或防污染至为必要的设备; ;;;; 4. 船长在一个航次开始时的值班和其后的接班中未能提供休息好的人员。 ;;;; 三、未能纠正第二款第1项中所涉缺陷--有关船长、轮机长和负责航行和轮机值班的高级船员以及(如有关时)电报员的证书问题,以及第二款第2项有关问题,这些将构成一缔约国按第十条规定扣留船舶的唯一依据。 ;;;; 第二章 船长——甲板部 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/1 航行值班中应遵守的基本原则 ;;;; 一、缔约国应指示船舶所有人、船舶营运人、船长和值班人员遵守下列原则,以确保在任何时候均能保持安全航行值班。 ; ;;;二、每艘船舶的船长,必须确保值班的安排适于保持安全航行值班。在船长的统一指挥下,值班驾驶员在他们的值班期间,特别是在关系到避免碰撞和搁浅时,负责船舶的安全航行。 ;;;; 三、所有船舶必须考虑包括下列、但不限于下列的基本原则。 ;;;; 四、值班安排 ;;;; 1. 值班编制在任何时候都必须充分和适应当时的环境和情况,并必须考虑保持正规了望的必要。 ;;;; 2. 在决定可能包括合适的甲板部一般船员在内的驾驶台值班编制时,尤其应考虑下列因素: ;;;; (1)在任何时候,驾驶台不许无人看管; ;;;; (2)天气情况、能见度、白天和黑夜; ;;;; (3)临近航行上的危险时,可能需要负责值班的驾驶员执行额外的航行职责; ;;;; (4)助航仪器,如雷达或电子定位仪以及其它影响船舶安全航行的设备的使用和操作条件; ;;;; (5)船上是否装有自动操舵装置; ;;;; (6)由于特殊的操作环境可能产生对航行值班的特别要求。 ;;;; 五、对职责的适任 ;;;; 值班制度应使值班驾驶员和值班船员的工作效率,不因疲劳而受影响。值班人员的编排务使航行开始时的第一班及其后的接班人员都能得到充分休息,或使其适任职责即可。 ;;;; 六、航行 ;;;; 1. 对预定的航次,应在研究一切有关资料后事先计划,并在启航前对制定的航线进行核对。 ;;;; 2. 在值班期间,应使用船上的一切助航仪器,对所驶的航向、船位和航速,通过足够频繁的间隔进行核对,以确保本船沿着计划航线行驶。 ;;;; 3. 值班驾驶员应充分了解船上所有安全和航行设备的放置地点和操作方法,并应注意到和考虑到这些设备操作上的局限性。 ;;;; 4. 负责航行值班的驾驶员,不应被分配或担负任何妨碍船舶安全航行的职责。 ;;;; 七、航行设备 ;;;; 1. 值班驾驶员应最有效地使用在他支配之下的所有航行设备。 ;;;; 2. 在使用雷达时,值班驾驶员必须记住,在任何时候都必须遵守适用的海上避碰规则中所载的有关使用雷达的规定。 ;;;; 3. 在需要时,值班驾驶员应毫不犹豫地使用舵、主机和音响信号装置。 ;;;; 八、航行职责 ;;;; 1. 负责值班的驾驶员应: ;;;; (1)在驾驶台坚持值班,在正式交班之前,无论如何都不得离开驾驶台; ;;;; (2)继续对船舶的安全航行负责,即使船长在驾驶台,直到船长明确地通知他,船长已承担责任并彼此领会时; ;;;; (3)在为了安全而采取某种行动发生疑问时通知船长; ;;;; (4)不向接班驾驶员交班,如果他有理由相信接班驾驶员显然不能有效地履行其职责,在这种情况下,必须据情通知船长。 ;;;; 2. 接班驾驶员接班时,应对本船的估计船位或真船位情况表示满意,并证实预定的航迹、航向和航速,还应注意在他值班期间预期可能遇到的任何航行危险。 ;;;; 3. 在值班期间,有关本船航行的动态和活动,应作恰当的记录。 ;;;; 九、了望 ;;;; 除了为充分判断碰撞、搁浅和其它危害航行安全的危险和情况而保持正规了望外,了望人员的职责还应包括发现遇难的船舶和飞机、船舶遇难人员、沉船和碎片。在执行了望时,应遵守下列各项: ;;;; 1. 为保持正规了望,了望应集中精力,并不应承担或被分配给会妨碍本工作的其他职责; ;;;; 2. 了望人员和舵工的职责是分开的。舵工在操舵时不应被视作为了望人员,但在小船上,能在操舵位置上无阻碍地看到周围情况,且不存在夜里视力的减损和执行正规了望的其它障碍时除外。在白天,如在下列各种情况下,负责值班的驾驶员可以是唯一的了望人员: ;;;; (1)已对处境仔细估量,并确信此种做法是安全的; ;;;; (2)已对包括下列但不限于下列的所有因素作了充分考虑: ;;;; ——天气情况 ;;;; ——能见度 ;;;; ——通航密度 ;;;; ——临近的航行危险 ;;;; ——当航行在或接近于分道通航制区域时必要的注意; ;;;; (3)当情况发生变化而需要协助时,协助人员能立即应召至驾驶台。 ;;;; 十、有引航员在船时的航行 ;;;; 尽管引航员有其职责和义务,他在船上引航并不解除船长或负责值班的驾驶员对船舶安全所负的职责和义务。船长和引航员应交换有关航行方法、当地情况和船舶性能等情况。船长和值班驾驶员应与引航员紧密合作,并保持正确的船舶船位和动态。 ;;;; 十一、保护海上环境 ;;;; 船长和负责值班的驾驶员,应了解由于操作不当或意外事故对海上环境污染的严重后果,并应采取一切可能的预防措施,特别应采取有关国际规则和港规规定的预防措施,以防止这类污染。 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/2 对200总登记吨或以上的船舶的船长和大副发证的法定最低要求 ;;;; 对1600总登记吨或以上船舶的船长和大副 ;;;; 一、每个1600总登记吨或以上的海船的船长和大副都应持有相应的证书。 ;;;; 二、每个申请发证的应试者应: ;;;; 1. 符合主管机关对体检的要求,特别是视力和听力; ;;;; 2. 符合在200总登记吨或以上的船舶上负责航行值班的驾驶员的发证要求,并已对该职位具有被认可的海上服务经历: ;;;; (1)大副证书,不少于18个月;但是,如果主管机关要求特殊培训,而此种培训被视作至少相当于六个月的负责航行值班驾驶员的服务经历的话,则此段时间,可以缩减为不少于12个月; ;;;; (2)船长证书,不少于36个月,但是,如果他已具有不少于12个月的大副海上经历,或如主管机关要求可被视为等同于此种海上经历的特殊培训的话,则此段时间可以缩减为不少于24个月。 ;;;; 3. 已通过使主管机关满意的相应考试。这种考试必须包括本规则附则中规定的材料,除非主管机关认为需要时,才可改变对吨位有限、从事近岸航行船舶的船长和大副的考试要求,但应注意对可能在同一水域航行的所有船舶安全的影响。 ;;;; 对200至1600总登记吨船舶的船长和大副 ;;;; 三、200至1600总登记吨海船的每个船长和大副都应持有相应的证书。 ;;;; 四、每个申请发证的应试者应: ;;;; 1. 符合主管机关对体检的要求,特别是视力和听力; ;;;; 2. (1)大副证书,符合200总登记吨或以上船舶负责航行值班的驾驶员的发证要求; ;;;; (2)船长证书,符合200总登记吨或以上船舶负责航行值班的驾驶员的发证要求,并对该职位具有被认可的不少于36个月的海上经历;但是,如果他已具有不少于12个月的大副海上经历,或如主管机关要求被视作等同于此种海上经历的特殊培训的话,则此段时间可以缩减为不少于24个月。 ;;;; 3. 已通过使主管机关满意的相应的考试。这种考试必须包括附则中规定的材料,除非主管机关认为合适时,才可改变对从事近岸航行船舶的船长和大副的考试要求,去掉那些不适用于有关水域或船舶的材料,但应注意对可能在同一水域航行的所有船舶安全的影响。通则 ;;;; 五、在本附则各标题下,所要求的知识水准,可按证书是否发给船长或大副,或证书是否适用于1600总登记吨及以上的船舶还是200至1600总登记吨之间的船舶而有所不同。 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/2附则 对200总登记吨或以上的船舶的船长和大副发证的最低知识要求 ;;;; 一、下列纲要是为报考200总登记吨或以上的船舶的船长或大副证书的应试者而编制的。纲要意在扩大和深化规则Ⅱ/4《对200总登记吨或以上的船舶负责航行值班的驾驶员发证的法定最低要求》内包含的课题。意识到船长对于船舶、旅客、船员和货物的安全负有最高责任,而大副则处于随时承担这种责任的地位,因此,对这些课题的考试是为了考查他们对影响船舶安全的所有情况的融会贯通的能力。 ;;;; 二、航行和定位 ;;;; 1. 航次计划和在各种条件下的航行: ;;;; (1)以公认的方法画出远洋航线; ;;;; (2)在受限制的水域内; ;;;; (3)在冰区; ;;;; (4)在能见度不良时; ;;;; (5)在分道通航制区域内; ;;;; (6)在大的潮汐影响区域内。 ;;;; 2. 定位: ;;;; (1)包括利用太阳、恒星、月亮和行星的天体观测; ;;;; (2)地文观测,包括通过相应的海图、航海通告和其他航海书籍,结合利用陆标方位及诸如灯塔、航标和浮标等助航设备的能力,以判断最终所得船位的正确性; ;;;; (3)在使用一切现代船舶的电子助航仪器方面,使主管机关满意,尤应扩大对这些仪器的操作原理、局限性、误差来源、误传信息的探测和校正方法等的知识面,以获得正确的船位。 ;;;; 三、值班 ;;;; 1. 表明对国际海上避碰规则的内容、应用及其意图,包括附件中有关安全航行方面所具备的全面知识; ;;;; 2. 表明对规则Ⅱ/1《航行值班中应遵守的基本原则》所具备的知识。 ;;;; 四、雷达设备 ;;;; 结合雷达模拟器的使用,或无此种设备时,结合运动图的使用,表明对雷达的基本原理和操作与使用雷达的能力,以及理解和分析由此设备获得的信息方面所具备的知识,包括: ;;;; 1. 影响性能和精确度的因素; ;;;; 2. 调定和保持显示; ;;;; 3. 误传信息的测试、假回波、海面回波等; ;;;; 4. 距离和方位; ;;;; 5. 危险回波的鉴别; ;;;; 6. 他船的航向和航速; ;;;; 7. 交叉、对遇或追越船的最接近点的时间和距离; ;;;; 8. 他船航向和航速变化的推断; ;;;; 9. 本船航向或航速,或二者兼具的变化所产生的影响; ;;;; 10. 国际海上避碰规则的应用。 ;;;; 五、罗经、磁罗经和电罗经 ;;;; 具有测定和校正磁罗经和电罗经误差的能力,以及校正这种误差方法的知识。 ;;;; 六、气象学和海洋学 ;;;; 1. 表明在考虑了当地天气的情况下,理解和解释天气图和预测地区天气的能力; ;;;; 2. 具有各种天气体系特性的知识,包括热带飓风及避开风暴中心和危险象限的知识; ;;;; 3. 具有洋流系统的知识; ;;;; 4. 具有使用一切有关潮汐和海流的相应航海书籍的能力,包括英文版本; ;;;; 5. 具有计算潮汐情况的能力。 ;;;; 七、船舶操纵 ;;;; 在各种情况下操纵船舶,包括下列情况: ;;;; 1. 在接近引航船或引航站时的船舶操纵,特别注意天气、潮汐、淌航距离和冲距等情况; ;;;; 2. 在河道及江河口等处操纵船舶时,注意风流和限制的水域对舵效的影响; ;;;; 3. 浅水中的船舶操纵,包括由于船体下坐、横摇、纵摇的影响而减少龙骨下的富裕水深; ;;;; 4. 在两船会航和船与近岸间的相互作用(运河效应); ;;;; 5. 在各种不同的风流条件下,用或不用拖轮靠离泊位; ;;;; 6. 锚地选择:在有限锚地内,使用单锚或双锚锚泊以及决定使用锚链长度的有关因素; ;;;; 7. 走锚:清解绞缠的锚链; ;;;; 8. 进干船坞,包括有损坏和无损坏; ;;;; 9. 在恶劣天气下的船舶管理和操纵,包括救助遇难船舶或飞机,进行拖带作业,使失控船舶脱离波谷的方法,减少漂流和镇浪撒油等; ;;;; 10. 在恶劣天气下,施放救生艇或救生筏时船舶操纵的注意事项; ;;;; 11. 从救生艇和救生筏上将遇难人员救上船的方法; ;;;; 12. 具有确定主要类型船舶的操纵和主机特性的能力,特别注意船舶在各种吃水和速度下的冲程和旋回圈; ;;;; 13. 以减速航行避免因本船的艏艉波所造成浪损的重要性; ;;;; 14. 当航行于冰区或船上积冰的情况下,应采取的切实可行的办法; ;;;; 15. 分道通航制的使用和在分道通航制区域内的船舶操纵。 ;;;; 八、船舶稳性构造和波损控制 ;;;; 1. 了解船舶构造的基本原理和影响纵倾和稳性的理论和因素,以及保持安全纵倾和稳性的必要措施; ;;;; 2. 在一舱受损并因而浸水时影响船舶纵倾和稳性的知识以及应采取的对策; ;;;; 3. 表明对稳性、纵倾和强度图表以及强度计算仪器的使用,包括为了使船体强度保持在容许限度内的装货和压载方面的知识; ;;;; 4. 船舶主要构件的一般知识和各种部件的正规名称; ;;;; 5. 海协有关船舶稳性建议案的知识。 ;;;; 九、船舶动力装置 ;;;; 1. 船用动力装置的工作原理; ;;;; 2. 船舶辅机; ;;;; 3. 船用轮机术语的一般知识。 ;;;; 十、货物装卸和积载 ;;;; 1. 船上货物的积载和绑扎,包括起货设备; ;;;; 2. 装卸作业,特别注意重件货物的装卸; ;;;; 3. 有关货物运输的国际规则和建议案,特别是国际海上危险品运输规则(IMDG); ;;;; 4. 危险货物的运输。装卸作业过程中应采取的预防措施和航行中对危险货物的注意事项; ;;;; 5. 现行有关油轮安全指导准则的内容和应用的实际工作知识; ;;;; 6. 通常使用的货油管系和泵系布置的实际工作知识; ;;;; 7. 用于说明一般货油如原油、中质油、挥发油等特性的术语和定义; ;;;; 8. 防污染规则:压载、洗舱和消除油气作业; ;;;; 9. 污油上装油程序。 ;;;; 十一、防火和消防设备 ;;;; 1. 消防演习的组织; ;;;; 2. 火灾的种类及其化学性质; ;;;; 3. 灭火系统; ;;;; 4. 参加认可的消防课程; ;;;; 5. 有关消防设备规则的知识。 ;;;; 十二、应急措施 ;;;; 1. 船舶抢滩时注意事项; ;;;; 2. 搁浅前后应采取的措施; ;;;; 3. 在有援助或无援助时起浮搁浅船舶; ;;;; 4. 碰撞后应采取的措施; ;;;; 5. 渗漏的临时堵塞; ;;;; 6. 在紧急情况下,旅客和船员的保护及安全的措施; ;;;; 7. 船舶在发生火灾或爆炸后损害的控制及救护; ;;;; 8. 弃船; ;;;; 9. 应急舵的紧急操作、装配和使用,以及在实际可行时装配应急舵的方法; ;;;; 10. 从遇难船或沉船上救人; ;;;; 11. 救助落水人员的方法。 ;;;; 十三、医护 ;;;; 具有使用下列书籍内容的全面知识: ;;;; 1. 船用国际医疗指南或国内出版的类似书籍; ;;;; 2. 国际信号规则中的医疗部分; ;;;; 3. 用于危险品事故医疗急救指南。 ;;;; 十四、海法 ;;;; 1. 国际协议和公约中包括的有关国际海洋法的知识,因为它们涉及船长的特殊义务和职责,尤其涉及其关于安全和保护海上环境方面的特殊义务和职责。尤应注意下列各项: ;;;; (1)国际公约要求随船携带的证书或其它文件,如何取得这些证件以及这些证件的法定有效期限; ;;;; (2)国际载重线公约有关要求的职责; ;;;; (3)国际海上人命安全公约有关要求的职责; ;;;; (4)国际防止船舶造成污染公约要求的职责; ;;;; (5)航海健康申明书,国际健康规则的要求; ;;;; (6)关于国际海上避碰规则公约要求的职责; ;;;; (7)其它影响船舶、旅客、船员和货物安全的国际文件所要求的职责。 ;;;; 2. 国家海上法律的知识程度由主管机关确定,但当包括实施国际协定和公约的国内安排。 ;;;; 十五、人事管理及培训职责 ;;;; 船上人事管理、组织和培训的知识。 ;;;; 十六、通信 ;;;; 1. 用摩斯灯收发信息和使用国际信号规则的能力;如果应试者在取得较低级别证书时,主管机关已考过他们这些课题,则当他们在报考船长证书时,可有免试的选择。 ;;;; 2. 无线电话通信使用程序的知识和使用无线电话的能力、特别是使用有关遇险、紧急、安全和航行的信息方面的能力。 ;;;; 3. 无线电规则规定的无线电报应急遇险信号程序知识。 ;;;; 十七、救生 ;;;; 具有救生设备规则(国际海上人命安全公约)、组织弃船演习、救生艇、救生筏及其它救生设备的全面知识。 ;;;; 十八、搜索和救助 ;;;; 具有海协《商船搜寻救生手册》中的全面知识。 ;;;; 十九、表明熟习业务的方法 ;;;; 1. 航行 ;;;; 表明对六分仪、哑罗经和方位仪的使用以及描绘船位、航向、方位等能力。 ;;;; 2. 国际海上避碰规则 ;;;; (1)利用小模型显示恰当信号或灯号或航行灯模拟器; ;;;; (2)运动图或雷达模拟器。 ;;;; 3. 雷达 ;;;; (1)雷达模拟器;或 ;;;; (2)运动图 ;;;; 4. 消防 ;;;; 参加认可的消防课程。 ;;;; 5. 通信 ;;;; 视觉和听觉的实际测验。 ;;;; 6. 救生 ;;;; 救生艇和其它救生设备的放落和操纵,包括救生衣的穿着。 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/3 对200总登记吨以下的船舶的船长和负责航行值班的驾驶员发证的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、不从事近岸航行的船舶 ;;;; 1. 每个在200总登记吨以下不从事近岸航行的海船上服务的船长应持有为主管机关认可的200至1600总登记吨船舶的船长证书。 ;;;; 2. 每个在200总登记吨以下不从事近岸航行的海船上服务的负责航行值班的驾驶员应持有200总登记吨或以上船舶的相应证书。 ;;;; 二、从事近岸航行的船舶 ;;;; 1. 船长 ;;;; (1)每个在200总登记吨以下从事近岸航行的海船上服务的船长应持有相应的证书。 ;;;; (2)每个申请发证的应试者应: ;;;; (i)年龄不小于20岁; ;;;; (ii)具有被认可的负责航行值班驾驶员不少于12个月的海上经历并使主管机关满意,具有在有关船上相应于他职责的足够知识,这些知识应包括本规则附则中所列的内容。 ;;;; 2. 负责航行值班的驾驶员 ;;;; (1)每个在200总登记吨以下从事近岸航行的海船上负责航行值班的驾驶员,必须持有相应的证书。 ;;;; (2)每个申请发证的应试者应: ;;;; (i)年龄不小于18岁; ;;;; (ii)符合主管机关对体检的要求,特别是视力和 ;;;; 听力; ;;;; (iii)使主管机关满意,他已: ;;;; ——成功地经过专门培训,包括主管机关 ;;;; 所要求的相应的海上服务的足够期限;或 ;;;; 者 ;;;; ——完成被认可的不少于三年在甲板部工 ;;;; 作的海上经历; ;;;; (iv)使主管机关满意具有在有关船上相应于他 ;;;; 职责的足够知识,这些知识包括在附则中 ;;;; 所列的内容。 ;;;; 三、培训 ;;;; 为了完成必要知识和实际经验的培训,必须以规则Ⅱ/1--《航行值班中应遵守的基本原则》和有关国际规则和建议案为基础。 ;;;; 四、免除 ;;;; 主管机关如果认为某一船舶的大小及其航行的条件会使适用于本规则及其附则的全部要求成为不合理或不切实可行时,则可免除对这种船舶或这种船级的船长或负责航行值班驾驶员的某些要求,但应注意对可能在同一水域航行的所有船舶安全的影响。 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/3附则 对200总登记吨以下的船舶船长和负责航行值班的驾驶员发证的最低知识要求 ;;;; 一、1. 具有下列知识: ;;;; (1)沿海航行并在其要求范围内的天文航海; ;;;; (2)国际海上避碰规则; ;;;; (3)国际海上危险品规则(IMDG); ;;;; (4)磁罗经; ;;;; (5)无线电话及视觉信号; ;;;; (6)防火和消防设备; ;;;; (7)救生; ;;;; (8)应急措施; ;;;; (9)船舶操纵; ;;;; (10)船舶稳性; ;;;; (11)气象; ;;;; (12)小船动力装置; ;;;; (13)急救; ;;;; (14)搜索和救助; ;;;; (15)防止海上环境的污染。 ;;;; 2. 除第1项所列的要求外,还应具有安全地操作装在有关船上的所有助航仪器和设备的足够知识。 ;;;; 3. 对第1项和第2项中具体规定所要求的知识水平,应足以使值班驾驶员能安全地执行其职责。 ;;;; 二、每个在200总登记吨以下海船上服务的船长,除上述第一款规定的要求以外,还应在具备安全地执行其船长的全部职责的知识方面使主管机关满意。 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/4 对200总登记吨或以上的船舶负责航行值班的驾驶员发证的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、每个在200总登记吨或以上海船上服务的负责航行值班的驾驶员,必须持有相应的证书。 ;;;; 二、每个申请发证的应试者应: ;;;; 1. 年龄不小于18岁; ;;;; 2. 符合主管机关的体检要求,特别是视力和听力; ;;;; 3. 具有在甲板部工作不少于三年的认可的海上经历。这段时间应包括在合格驾驶员监督下在驾驶台值班至少六个月的期限;但是,主管机关可以允许以一个特殊培训期限代替不超过二年认可的海上经历,只要该主管机关认为该项培训至少能等同于它所替代的海上经历; ;;;; 4. 通过相应的考试使主管机关确信他具有与其职责相适应的足够的理论和实践知识。 ;;;; 三、无限航区证书 ;;;; 为颁发无限航区证书而举行的考试,应考核应试者在本规则附则中所列内容方面是否具有足够的理论和实践知识。 ;;;; 四、有限航区证书 ;;;; 为颁发限于近岸航行的证书,主管机关可以删去附则中的下列内容,但应注意对可能在同一水域航行的所有船舶安全的影响: ;;;; 1. 天文航海; ;;;; 2. 用电子系统定位以及在无此系统覆盖的水域中的航行。 ;;;; 五、知识水平 ;;;; 1. 本附则所列内容所要求的知识水平应足以使值班驾驶员能安全地执行其值班职责。主管机关在决定相适应的知识水平时,应考虑附则中每一内容的说明。 ;;;; 2. 为了完成必要的理论知识和实际经验的培训工作,应以规则Ⅱ/1《航行值班中应遵守的基本原则》和有关国际规则及建议案为基础。 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/4附则 对200总登记吨或以上的船舶负责航行值班的驾驶员发证的最 低知识要求 ;;;; 一、天文航海 ;;;; 使用天体确定船位和罗经差的能力。 ;;;; 二、地文和沿海岸航海 ; ;;;1. 使用下列各项确定船位的能力: ;;;; (1)陆标; ;;;; (2)灯塔、航标和浮标等助航标志; ;;;; (3)考虑风、潮汐、水流和按推进器每分钟转数和按计程仪得到的航速以推算船位。 ;;;; 2. 对海图和航海书籍,诸如航路指南、潮汐表、航行通告、无线电航行警告和船舶航路资料等的全面知识和使用能力。 ;;;; 三、雷达导航 ;;;; 雷达的基本知识、操作和使用雷达的能力以及理解和分析由雷达获得的信息的能力,包括下列各项: ;;;; 1. 影响性能和精确度的因素; ;;;; 2. 调定和保持显示; ;;;; 3. 误传信息的测试,假回波、海面回波等; ;;;; 4. 距离和方位; ;;;; 5. 危险回波的鉴别; ;;;; 6. 他船的航向和速度; ;;;; 7. 交叉、对遇或追越船的最接近点的时间和距离; ;;;; 8. 他船航向和航速变化的推断; ;;;; 9. 本船航向或航速或二者兼具的变化所产生的影响; ;;;; 10. 国际海上避碰规则的应用。 ;;;; 四、值班 ;;; ;1、表明对国际海上避碰规则的内容应用及其意图,包括附件中有关安全航行方面所具备的全面知识。 ;;;; 2. 表明对规则Ⅱ/1《航行值班中应遵守的基本原则》所具备的知识。 ;;;; 五、定位和导航电子系统 ;;;; 具有使用电子导航仪器确定船位的能力并使主管机关满意。 ;;;; 六、无线电测向仪和回声测深仪 ;;;; 具有正确地操作这些设备和应用所得资料的能力。 ;;;; 七、气象学 ;;;; 具有船用气象仪器和使用这些仪器的知识。各种天气系统的特性,报告程序和记录系统的知识以及运用所据有的气象资料的能力。 ;;;; 八、罗经——磁罗经和电罗经 ;;;; 具有磁罗经和电罗经原理、包括其误差及修正方面的知识。关于电罗经,了解在主罗经控制下的每个系统以及主要类型电罗经的操作和注意事项方面的知识。 ;;;; 九、自动操舵 ;;;; 具有自动操舵系统和程序的知识。 ;;;; 十、无线电话和视觉信号 ;;;; 1. 用摩斯灯收发信息的能力; ;;;; 2. 使用国际信号规则的能力; ;;;; 3. 无线电话通信使用程序的知识和使用无线电话,特别是有关遇险、紧急、安全和航行的信息方面的能力。 ;;;; 十一、防火和消防设备 ;;;; 1. 组织消防演习的能力; ;;;; 2. 火灾的种类及其化学性质方面的知识; ;;;; 3. 消防系统的知识; ;;;; 4. 参加认可的消防课程。 ;;;; 十二、救生 ;;;; 组织弃船演习的能力和操作救生艇、救生筏、救生浮具及其属具,包括手提式无线电装置和无线电应急示位标等方面的知识。海上救生技术的知识。 ;;;; 十三、应急措施 ;;;; 国际劳工组织/海协《指导文件》最新版相应附则中所列项目方面的知识。 ;;;; 十四、船舶操纵 ;;;; 具有下列知识: ;;;; 1. 不同载重量、吃水、纵倾、航速和龙骨下的水深对旋回圈和冲程的影响; ;;;; 2. 风、流对船舶操作的影响; ;;;; 3. 救助落水人员的操纵; ;;;; 4. 船体下坐、浅水和类似影响; ;;;; 5. 抛锚和带缆的恰当方法。 ;;;; 十五、船舶稳性 ;;;; 1. 具有对稳性、纵倾和强度图表和强度计算仪器的应用和操作方面的实际知识; ;;;; 2. 懂得一旦丧失部分完整浮力时应采取的基本行动。 ;;;; 十六、英语 ;;;; 足够的英语知识能使驾驶员使用海图和其他航用书籍,了解气象资料和有关船舶安全和操作的信息,并能在和他船或岸台通信中清楚地表达意思。具有了解和使用海协编制的标准航海用语。 ;;;; 十七、船舶构造 ;;;; 船舶主要构件的一般知识和各种部件的正规名称。 ;;;; 十八、货物装卸和积载 ;;;; 货物的安全装卸和积载的知识及这些因素对船舶安全的影响。 ;;;; 十九、医疗救护 ;;;; 医疗指南和无线电指导的实际应用,包括根据这种知识在船上可能发生事故和疾病时采取有效行动的能力。 ;;;; 二十、搜索和救助 ;;;; 具有海协《商船搜寻救生手册》所叙述的知识。 ;;;; 二十一、防止海上环境的污染 ;;;; 防止海上环境污染应遵守的预防措施方面的知识。 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/5 为确保船长和驾驶员不断精通业务和掌握最新知识的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、每个在海上服务或在岸上一段时间后意欲重返海上服务的持有证书的船长和驾驶员,为了继续适于海上服务,要求他在不超过五年的间隔中,符合主管机关的下列要求: ;;;; 1. 体检合格,特别是视力和听力;和 ;;;; 2. 专业能力 ;;;; (1)在前五年期间,至少具有一年认可的船长或驾驶员的海上经历;或 ;;;; (2)已完成有关相适应于其所持证书级别职责的职能,而此职能是视为至少等同于第一款第2项第(1)目中所要求的海上经历;或 ;;;; (3)具有下列各项之一 ;;;; ——通过认可的考核;或 ;;;; ——成功地完成了一门认可的课程或几门课程;或 ;;;; ——在他担任证书上所授与的职务之前,已在 ;;;; 作为编外驾驶员职务上具有不少于三个月 ;;;; 的认可的海上经历。 ;;;; 二、主管机关应与有关方面协商,为在海上工作,特别是重新上船工作的船长及驾驶员制定或促进一项进修课程和最新课程的设置,按情况既可自愿参加亦可强制参加。主管机关必须确保所作的安排能使所有有关人员参加与他们的经验和职责相适应的这些课程。这些课程应由主管机关认可,并应包括航海技术和有关海上人命安全和海上环境保护的国际规则及建议案的变动。 ;;;; 三、为了继续在船上从事国际上同意的需经特殊培训的海上工作,每个船长和驾驶员都应成功地完成一项认可的有关培训。 ;;;; 四、主管机关应确保在其管辖的船舶获得有关海上人命安全和海上环境保护的国际规则的最新修订文本。 ;;;; 五、一个海员如果在本规则被主管机关批准实施之前的五年中有不少于一年的时间在甲板部工作,他即可被主管机关认为已符合本规则要求。 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/6 对组成航行值班部分的一般船员的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、下述第二款规定了200总登记吨或以上海船上组成航行值班部分的一般船员的要求,这些要求既不是为一水发证规定的要求《除大水有限的船舶外),也不是对成为航行值班中唯一的一般船员所规定的要求。主管机关对于成为航行值班中唯一的一般船员可以提出附加的培训和资格方面的要求。 ;;;; 二、凡组成200总登记吨或以上海船航行值班部分的一般船员,应: ;;;; 1. 年龄不小于16岁; ;;;; 2. 符合主管机关对体检的要求,特别是视力和听力; ;;;; 3. 使主管机关满意,他已: ;;;; (1)具有认可的海上经历,包括不少于六个月的、特别与航行值班职责相关的海上经验,或 ;;;; (2)成功地在上船前或在船上经过了特殊培训,包括主管机关所要求的不少于两个月的足够的海上经历。 ;;;; 4. 具有包括下列各项的经验或训练: ;;;; (1)消防、急救、个人救生技术,人身事故和个人安全的基本原理; ;;;; (2)理解值班驾驶员的命令,并使值班驾驶员理解他所表示的与其职责有关事项的能力; ;;;; (3)操舵和遵照舵令操舵的能力,并具有使能完成这些职责所需的磁罗经和电罗经的足够知识; ;;;; (4)用视觉和听觉保持正规了望,并能以度数、点数报告声号、灯号或其它物标的大致方位的能力; ;;;; (5)熟悉自动操舵和手操舵的相互更换; ;;;; (6)使用相应的船上内部通讯和警报系统的知识; ;;;; (7)烟火求救信号的知识; ;;;; (8)应急职责的知识; ;;;; (9)适应于他职务的船上术语及其定义的知识。 ;;;; 三、第二款第3项及第4项所要求的经验、经历或训练,可以通过执行与航行值班相关联的职责获得,但这些职责的执行须在船长、负责航行值班的驾驶员或合格的一般船员的直接监督下进行。 ;;;; 四、主管机关应确保对依照本规则以其经验或训练符合作为组成航行值班部分的一般船员的资格的每个海员发给认可的证件,或者在他现有的证件上作相应的签证。 ;;;; 五、如果一个海员,他在本公约对其主管机关生效前的五年内有不少于一年的时间已在甲板部担任有关的工作,则该主管机关可以认为他已符合本规则的要求。 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/7 在港值班应遵守的基本原则 ;;;; 一、在正常的情况下,在港内安全地系泊或安全地锚泊的任何船上,为了安全,船长必须安排保持相应而有效的值班。 ;;;; 二、在组织值班时,应注意1978年海员培训和发证国际会议上通过的《对负责在港值班驾驶员的业务指导及工作原则的建议案》以及《对负责在港值班轮机员的业务指导及工作原则的建议案》的规定。 ;;;; 规则Ⅱ/8 在运载危险品船舶上在港值班的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、每个运载散装危险品船舶的船长,不论所运载的危险品是或者可能是易爆的、易燃的、有毒的、危害健康的、或污染环境的,应确保指派现有在船的合格的高级船员和一般船员(在合适时)保持安全甲板值班和安全轮机值班,即使当船舶在港安全系泊或安全锚泊时,也应如此。 ;;;; 二、每个运载非散装的危险品船舶的船长,不论所运载的危险品是或可能是易爆、易燃、有毒、危害健康或污染环境的,应在组织安全值班安排时充分注意到这些危险品的性质、数量、包装和积载以及船上、水面上和岸上的任何特殊情况。 ;;;; 三、在组织值班时,必须充分注意到1978年海员培训和发证国际会议上通过的《对负责在港值班驾驶员的业务指导及工作原则的建议案》以及《对负责在港值班轮机员的业务指导及工作原则的建议案》。 ;;;; 第三章 轮 机 部 ;;;; 规则Ⅲ/1 轮机值班中应遵守的基本原则 ;;;; 一、缔约国必须指示船舶所有人、船舶营运人、船长、轮机长和值班人员注意遵守下列基本原则,以保证在任何时候都能进行安全轮机值班。 ;;;; 二、本规则中“值班”一词,既指“组成值班的小组”,也指“轮机员的责任期间”,在此期间,可以要求也可以不要求他亲临机舱。 ;;;; 三、所有的船舶必须考虑包括下列,但不限于下列的基本原则: ;;;; 四、总则 ;;;; 1. 每条船的轮机长应与船长协商,确保值班的安排适合于保持安全值班,在决定轮机值班组成时,可包括合适的一般轮机人员在内,下列标准应特别予以考虑: ;;;; (1)船舶类型; ;;;; (2)机器类型和状况; ;;;; (3)由于情况的变化如气候、冰区、污染水域、浅水水域、各种应急情况、船损控制或消除污染而采用的特殊操作方法; ;;;; (4)值班船员的资格和经验; ;;;; (5)人命、船舶、货物和港口的安全及环境保护; ;;;; (6)国际、国家和当地规章的遵守; ;;;; (7)保持船舶正常运行。 ;;;; 2. 在轮机长的指导下,负责值班的轮机员必须按照要求对他职责范围内的一切机器和设备进行检查、操作和试验;负责值班的轮机员是轮机长的代表,在任何时候,他的主要责任都应是对影响船舶安全的机械设备进行安全有效的使用和保养。 ;;;; 3. 轮机长应在与船长协商的情况下,预先确定计划航次的需要,对燃料、淡水、润滑油、化学品、消耗品和其它备件、工具、供应品的需求以及其他任何的需要加以考虑。 ;;;; 五、操作 ;;;; 1. 负责值班的轮机员应确保既定的值班安排坚持下去。在他的全面指导之下,必须要求机舱值班的一般船员协助使推进机械和辅助设备得以安全和有效的工作。 ;;;; 2. 在轮机值班开始时,应对当时所有机器的运转参数和工作情况加以验证。任何机器如运转失常,预料将发生故障或需特殊处理的情况应和已经采取的措施做出记录。如果需要,应为进一步的措施拟出计划。 ;;;; 3. 负责值班的轮机员应保证将主推进装置和辅助系统置于经常的监管之下,对机舱和舵机房应按适当的间隔进行检查,并采取相应的措施来排除已发现的故障。 ;;;; 4. 对于需要有人值班的机舱,负责值班的轮机员,随时应能立即操纵推进设备以适应变向和变速的需要。 ;;;; 对于定期无人值班机舱,指定的负责值班的轮机员,当机舱呼叫照料时,应立即到达。 ;;;; 5. 一切驾驶台的命令必须迅速执行。主推进装置的变向和变速应做记录,除非主管机关认为由于个别船舶的特性和大小,使这种记录行不通时,才可不这样做。当人工操作时,负责值班的轮机员应保证在备车或操作状态下,主推进装置的控制器不间断地受到照料。 ;;;; 6. 负责值班的轮机员不应再被分派或承担任何可能妨碍他对主推进系统及其附属设备的管理任务,而应保证做到使主推进系统和辅助设备处于经常的监管之下,直至他正式交班为止。 ;;;; 7. 应给予一切机器的保养和维护应有的注意,包括机械、电气、液压和空气系统及其控制装置和与此相关的安全设备,一切居住舱室的生活设备以及物料和备品的使用记录。 ;;;; 8. 轮机长应保证做到将一切预防保养、船损控制或在值班时进行的修理工作等情况通知负责值班的轮机员。负责值班的轮机员应负责切断、旁通和调整他所管辖的将要操作的一切机器,并将已进行的所有工作记录下来。 ;;;; 9. 负责值班的轮机员在下班前,应将一切与主辅机有关的事件相应地记录下来。 ;;;; 10. 为使船舶和船员的安全免遭任何威胁,负责值班的轮机员,在发生火警、机舱可能采取导致船舶减速的措施、舵机即将失灵、船舶推进系统停止运转或供电方面发生任何变化或类似威胁安全的情况时立即通知驾驶台。此种通知,如果可能,应在采取行动之前完成,以便驾驶台有最充分的时间采取一切可能的措施避免可能发生的海难。 ;;;; 11. 当机舱处于备车状态时,负责值班的轮机员应保证一切在操作时可能用到的机器和设备处于随时可用状态,并使电力有充足的储备,以用于舵机和其它需要。 ;;;; 六、值班的要求 ;;;; 1. 值班的每一成员,必须熟悉指派给他的值班职责。此外,每个成员对其船舶应: ;;;; (1)恰当的使用内部通信系统的知识; ;;;; (2)机舱脱险途径的知识; ;;;; (3)机舱报警系统的知识,特别是关于辨别各种警报与二氧化碳警报的能力; ;;;; (4)有关机舱灭火设备的位置和使用的知识。 ;;;; 2. 在任何时候航行中的值班组织,应适于确保影响船舶安全运行的所有机器的安全运转,不论是自动还是手动操作,都应适合当时的环境和条件。为此,下列各点应特别予以考虑: ;;;; (1)在任何时候,对影响船舶安全运行的机器都应加以妥善管理; ;;;; (2)遥控推进设备和操舵设备及其控制器的状况和可靠性、控制的位置及程序,包括发生故障或应急时改用人工操作的程序; ;;;; (3)固定的火警控测器、灭火设备或控制火灾的器材的位置和操作方法; ;;;; (4)影响船舶安全航行、系泊或靠泊作业的辅助、备用和应急设备的使用和操作情况; ;;;; (5)保持机器设备正常状态的必要方法和步骤,以保证用各种方法操作船舶时机器能够有效地运转; ;;;; (6)由于特殊操作情况可能引起对值班的任何其他要求。 ;;;; 3.在开敞锚地,轮机长应与船长协商是否仍按航行时值班。 ;;;; 七、对职责的适任 ;;;; 值班制度不应由于疲劳影响值班工作效率,因此,轮机长在组织值班时,应使航行开始的第一班和其后各班的接班人都能经过充分的休息,或使其适任职责即可。 ;;;; 八、海上环境保护 ;;;; 所有轮机员和机舱一般船员均应意识到由于操作或偶然事故所造成的海上环境污染的严重后果,并应对这种污染采取一切可能的措施,特别是要采取有关国际和港口规定的措施。 ;;;; 规则Ⅲ/2 主推进动力装置为3000千瓦或以上的船舶轮机长和大管轮发证的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、在主推进动力装置为3000千瓦或以上海船上的轮机长和大管轮均应持有相应的证书。 ;;;; 二、应试者应: ;;;; 1. 符合主管机关对体检的要求,包括视力和听力; ;;;; 2. 符合取得负责值班的轮机员证书的要求,并 ;;;; (1)对于大管轮证书,须有不少于12个月经认可的轮机员或助理轮机员的海上经历; ;;;; (2)对于轮机长证书,须有不少于36个月经认可的海上经历,其中担任负责轮机员工作不少于12个月,同时具备大管轮的资格; ;;;; 3. 参加过认可的消防实习课程; ;;;; 4. 已通过相应的考试,成绩及格并使主管机关满意。这种考试应包括本规则附则所列的内容,除非主管机关认为有必要,对近岸航行、推进动力在限额以下的船舶的轮机员变更对这些考试的要求,但应注意对可能在同一水域航行的所有船舶安全的影响。 ;;;; 三、为取得必要的理论知识和实际经验的培训工作,应注意有关的国际规定和建议案。 ;;;; 四、附则各款所要求的知识水准,可根据证书是发给轮机长级或发给大管轮级的实际情况而定。 ;;;; 规则Ⅲ/2附则 主推进动力装置为3000千瓦或以上的船舶轮机长和大管轮发证所要求的最低知识 ;;;; 一、下列纲要是为取得主推进动力装置为3000千瓦或以上的船舶轮机长或大管轮合格证书的应试者而编写的。注意到大管轮随时可能承担起轮机长的责任,故在拟订这些科目的考试时,应以测验应试者掌握影响船舶机械操作安全的一切有用知识的能力为目的。 ;;;; 二、关于下面的第四款第1项,主管机关可以删去那些推进机械装置以外的其他机械类型的知识要求,所发的这种证书应是有效的,但以此为依据所发的证书对任何已删去的机械装置类型,在证明该轮机员能胜任这些项目并取得主管机关的满意之前,一律无效。任何这样的局限性应在证书上注明。 ;;;; 三、所有应试者都应具有下列科目的理论知识: ;;;; 1.热力学和传热学; ;;;; 2.力学和流体力学; ;;;; 3.船舶动力装置(柴油、蒸汽和燃汽轮机)和制冷设备的操作原理; ;;;; 4.燃油和润滑油的理化性质; ;;;; 5.材料工艺学; ;;;; 6.火灾和灭火剂的物理和化学性质; ;;;; 7.船舶电气工艺学,电子学和电气设备; ;;;; 8.自动控制基本原理,检测仪表和控制系统; ;;;; 9.造船学和船舶结构,包括船损控制。 ;;;; 四、所有应试者应至少对下列科目具有足够的实际知识: ;;;; 1. 下列机械装置的操作和保养: ;;;; (1)船用柴油机; ;;;; (2)船用蒸汽推进装置; ;;;; (3)船用燃气轮机; ;;;; 2. 辅机的操作和保养,包括泵系和管系,辅锅炉装置和舵机系统; ;;;; 3. 电气和控制设备的操作、测试和保养; ;;;; 4. 起货设备和甲板机械的操作和保养; ;;;; 5. 机器故障的查找,损坏部位的确定和防止损坏的措施; ;;;; 6. 安全保养和修理程序的组织; ;;;; 7. 防火、探火和灭火的设备和方法; ;;;; 8. 防止船舶污染环境的设备和方法; ;;;; 9. 为防止海上环境污染应遵守的规定; ;;;; 10. 海上环境污染的影响; ;;;; 11. 有关在机舱内可能发生的工伤的急救和急救设备的使用; ;;;; 12. 救生设备的作用和使用方法; ;;;; 13. 船损控制的方法; ;;;; 14. 安全操作的实践。 ;;;; 五、所有应试者都应具有国际协定和公约中体现的国际海法知识,因这些国际协定和公约影响轮机部的特定职责,特别是那些有关安全和海上环境保护方面的职责。国家海事法规知识的范围应为主管机关自行决定,但应包括履行国际协定和公约的国家安排。 ;;;; 六、所有应试者都应具有人员组织管理和在船上培训的知识。 ;;;; 规则Ⅲ/3 主推进动力装置在750千瓦和3000千瓦之间的船舶轮机长和大管轮发证的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、主推进动力装置在750千瓦和3000千瓦之间的海船上所有轮机长和大管轮应持有认可的证书。 ;;;; 二、所有应试者应: ;;;; 1. 符合主管机关对体检的要求,包括视力和听力; ;;;; 2. 符合取得负责值班的轮机员证书的要求,并 ;;;; (1)对于大管轮证书须有不少于12个月经认可的轮机员或助理轮机员的海上经历; ;;;; (2)对于轮机长证书,须有不少于24个月经认可的海上经历,其中担任负责轮机员的工作不少于12个月,同时具备大管轮的资格。 ;;;; 3. 参加过认可的灭火实践课程; ;;;; 4. 已通过相应的考试,成绩及格并使主管机关满意。这种考试应包括本规则附则中所列的内容,除主管机关可能改变对近岸航行船舶的轮机员的考试和海上服务经历的要求,但要注意这种船舶所安装的自动控制和遥控装置的类型以及对可能在同一水域航行的所有船舶安全的影响。 ;;;; 三、为取得必要的理论知识和实践经验的培训工作,应注意国际规定和建议案。 ;;;; 四、附则中的不同条款所要求的知识水准可根据证书是发给轮机长级或是发给大管轮级而定。 ;;;; 五、有资格担任主推进动力装置为3000千瓦或以上船舶大管轮工作的轮机员,如果有不少于12个月经认可的负责轮机员的海上经历,可以在主推进动力装置为3000千瓦以下的船舶上担任轮机长。 ;;;; 规则Ⅲ/3附则 主推进动力装置在750千瓦和3000千瓦之间的船舶轮机长 和大管轮发证所要求的最低知识 ;;;; 一、下列纲要是为取得主推进动力装置在750千瓦和3000千瓦之间的船舶轮机长或大管轮合格证书的应试者而编写的。注意到大管轮随时都可能承担起轮机长的责任,故在拟订这些科目的考试时,应以测验应试者掌握影响船舶机械操作安全的一切有用知识的能力为目的。 ;;;; 二、关于下面的第三款第4项和第四款第1项,主管机关可以删去那些推进机械装置以外的其他机械类型的知识要求,所发的这种证书应是有效的。但以此为依据所发的证书,对任何已删去机械装置类型,在证明该轮机员能胜任这些项目并使主管机关满意之前,一律无效。任何这样的局限性,应在证书中注明。 ;;;; 三、所有应试者都应具有足够的基本理论知识,以便理解下列科目中的基本原理: ;;;; 1. 燃烧过程; ;;;; 2. 传热学; ;;;; 3. 力学和流体力学; ;;;; 4. (1)船用柴油机; ;;;; (2)船用蒸汽推进装置; ;;;; (3)船用燃气轮机。 ;;;; 5. 舵机系统; ;;;; 6. 燃油和润滑油的性质; ;;;; 7. 材料性质; ;;;; 8. 灭火剂; ;;;; 9. 船用电气设备; ;;;; 10. 自动装置、测试和控制系统; ;;;; 11. 船舶结构包括船损控制; ;;;; 12. 辅助系统。 ;;;; 四、所有应试者都应至少对下列科目具备足够的实际知识: ;;;; 1. 下列机械的操作和保养: ;;;; (1)船用柴油机; ;;;; (2)船用蒸汽推进装置; ;;;; (3)船用燃气轮机。 ;;;; 2. 辅机系统,包括舵机系统的操作和保养; ;;;; 3. 电气和控制设备的操作、测试和保养; ;;;; 4. 装卸货设备和甲板机械的操作和保养; ;;;; 5. 机械故障的查找,损坏部位的确定和防止损坏的措施; ;;;; 6. 修理顺序和安全保养的组织; ;;;; 7. 防火、探火和灭火的设备和方法; ;;;; 8. 应该遵守的关于海上环境污染规定和防止这种污染的方法和设备; ;;;; 9. 有关在机舱内可能发生的工伤的急救知识和急救设备的使用方法; ;;;; 10. 救生设备的作用和使用方法; ;;;; 11. 船损控制的方法,特别是海水进入机舱时应采取的措施; ;;;; 12. 安全操作的实践。 ;;;; 五、所有应试者都应具有国际协定和公约中体现的国际海商法知识,因这些国际协定和公约影响轮机部的特定职责,特别是那些有关安全和海上环境保护方面的职责。国家海事法规知识的范围,应由主管机关自行决定,但应包括履行国际协定和公约的国家安排。 ;;;; 六、所有应试者都应具有人员组织管理和在船上培训的知识。 ;;;; 规则Ⅲ/4 对传统的有人看守机舱负责值班的轮机员或定期无人看守机舱指派的值班轮机员发证的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、所有主机推进动力为750千瓦或以上的海船上传统有人看守机舱的值班轮机员或定期无人看守机舱指派的轮机员应持有相应的证书。 ;;;; 二、每个应试者应: ;;;; 1. 年龄不小于18岁; ;;;; 2. 符合主管机关对体检的要求,包括视力和听力; ;;;; 3. 具有不少于三年与轮机员职责有关的认可的教育或训练; ;;;; 4. 已完成足够时间的海上工作经历,这段经历可包括在第3项所载明的三年时间之内; ;;;; 5. 使主管机关满意他具有与轮机员的职责相适应的操作与保养的理论与实践知识; ;;;; 6. 参加过主管机关认可的消防课程; ;;;; 7. 具有安全操作的实践知识。 ;;;; 主管机关可改变对近岸航行的主机推进动力在3000千瓦以下船舶的轮机员关于第3、第4项的要求,但要注意对可能在同一水域航行的一切船舶安全的影响。 ;;;; 三、所有应试者都应具有操作和保养主辅机的知识,其中包括与规定的要求有关的知识,至少也包括下列规定的各项: ;;;; 1. 日常值班 ;;;; (1)接班责任; ;;;; (2)值班期间例行职责; ;;;; (3)填写轮机日志和记下读数的意义; ;;;; (4)交班责任。 ;;;; 2. 主辅机 ;;;; (1)协助主辅机备车工作; ;;;; (2)蒸汽锅炉,包括燃烧系统的操作; ;;;; (3)检查蒸汽锅炉水位的方法以及水位不正常时必须采取的措施; ;;;; (4)查找机舱和锅炉间的机械设备和装置的一般故障及预防损坏的必要措施。 ;;;; 3. 泵系 ;;;; (1)泵的操作规程; ;;;; (2)舱底水、压舱水和货泵系统的操作。 ;;;; 4. 电站 ;;;; 发电机的备车、起动、并车和转换。 ;;;; 5. 安全和应急措施 ;;;; (1)值班时须遵守的安全注意事项以及一旦发生火警和发生意外事故时,特别是有关油的系统的事故或火灾时立即采取的措施; ;;;; (2)对电气或其他类型的动力装置和设备,在允许工作人员检修之前,需要对这种动力装置和设备从系统中切断以策安全。 ;;;; 6. 防止污染措施 ;;;; 应遵守防止油、货底、粪便、排烟或其它污染物质对环境污染的事项,防污染设备的使用,包括油水分离器、渣油柜系统、粪便处理装置等。 ;;;; 7. 急救 ;;;; 机舱内可能发生工伤的基本急救方法。 ;;;; 四、在蒸汽锅炉不构成船舶主辅机的船上,主管机关可删去第三款第2项第(2)和第(3)目所要求的知识。以此为根据所发的证书,对在蒸汽锅炉构成船舶主辅机的船上工作、证明该轮机员能胜任删去的项目所规定的要求并使主管机关满意之前,一律无效。任何这样的局限性应在证书上注明。 ;;;; 五、取得必要的理论知识和实践经验的培训必须注意有关国际规定和建议案。 ;;;; 规则Ⅲ/5 保证轮机员不断精通业务并掌握最新知识的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、在海上工作的所有持证轮机员,或在离船上岸一段时间之后欲重返海上工作的持证轮机员,为了继续取得与其证书相应的海上工作职称,须在不超过五年的间隔期限之内,符合主管机关下列要求: ;;;; 1. 体检合格;和 ;;;; 2. 业务能力: ;;;; (1)在过去五年中,至少有一年认可的轮机员工作的经历;或 ;;;; (2)已完成了与所持证书规定的等级相符的职责有关的任务,这至少可以被认为是与第一款第2项第(1)目中所要求的海上经历相等;或 ;;;; (3)能做到下列各项之一: ;;;; ——通过认可的测验;或 ;;;; ——圆满地修完认可的一门或几门课程; ;;;; ——已完成不少于三个月认可的轮机员海上经 ;;;; 历,在就任证书职称之前不久,担任过低于 ;;;; 该证书级别的职务 ;;;; 二、第一款第2项第(3)目所述一门或几门课程,特别应包括与海上人命安全和海上环境保护有关的国际规则及其变动情况。 ;;;; 三、主管机关应保证将与海上人命安全和海上环境保护有关的国际规则的最新变动的条文发给其所管辖的船舶。 ;;;; 规则Ⅲ/6 对组成机舱值班部分的一般船员的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、对组成机舱值班部分的一般船员的最低要求应如第二款所列,这些要求不适用于: ;;;; 1. 已提名为负责值班的轮机员的助手的一般船员; ;;;; 2. 正在培训的一般船员; ;;;; 3. 在值班时其职责属非技术性的一般船员。 ;;;; 二、每个组成机舱值班部分的一般船员应: ;;;; 1. 不小于16岁; ;;;; 2. 符合主管机关对体验的要求,包括视力和听力; ;;;; 3. 满足主管机关下列要求: ;;;; (1)有关消防、基本急救、自救技术、人身事故及人身安全方面的经验或训练; ;;;; (2)在有关他职责内的事务中理解命令和使人理解的能力。 ;;;; 4. 符合主管机关要求,他具有: ;;;; (1)主管机关所要求的足够的海上经历来弥补与他海上职务有关的陆上经验;或 ;;;; (2)在上船前或在船上受过专门培训,包括主管机关所要求的足够的海上工作经历;或 ;;;; (3)至少六个月认可的海上工作经历。 ;;;; 三、每个这样的一般船员都应具有下列知识: ;;;; 1. 机舱值班程序和执行与其职责相适应的日常值班能力; ;;;; 2. 与机舱操作有关的安全工作实际经验; ;;;; 3. 与其职责有关的机舱用语以及机器和设备名称; ;;;; 4. 环境保护的基本措施。 ;;;; 四、每个指定值锅炉班的一般船员,应具有安全使用锅炉的知识,并应具有保持正确水位和汽压的能力。 ;;;; 五、所有组成机舱值班部分的一般船员,应熟悉他在该船机舱内值班的任务,尤其应具有与该船有关的; ;;;; 1. 使用相应的船内通信系统的知识; ;;;; 2. 机舱脱险途径的知识; ;;;; 3. 机舱警报系统的知识和有分辨不同警报、特别是气体灭火警报的能力; ;;;; 4. 熟悉机舱内消防设备的位置和使用方法。 ;;;; 六、一个海员,如果在本规则被主管机关批准实施之前的五年中有不少于一年的时间在轮机部工作,他即可被主管机关认为已符合本规则要求。 ;;;; 第四章 无线电部分 ;;;; 无线电值班和维修说明: ;;;; 关于无线电值班的法定规定,已订入无线电规则;关于安全无线电值班和维修的规定,已订入国际海上人命安全公约和无线电规则,这两种规则日后可能有所修正,但目前仍属有效。关于1978年海员培训和发证国际会议所通过的有关决议亦已有所注意。 ;;;; 规则Ⅳ/1 无线电报员发证的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、 在船上负责或执行无线电职责的每个电报员必须持有按无线电规则的规定、由主管机关颁发或承认的一种或几种适当的证书,并具有足够合格的资历。 ;;;; 二、 此外,电报员应: ;;;; 1. 年龄不小于18岁; ;;;; 2. 符合主管机关对体检的要求,特别是视力、听力和说话能力; ;;;; 3. 符合本规则附则的要求。 ;;;; 三、 要求每个应试者必须通过一种或几种考试,并使主管机关满意。 ;;;; 四、 发征所要求的知识水平,应使电报员足以安全和有效地执行其无线电职责。在确定适当的知识水平和为要取得此种知识和实际能力时所需要的培训,主管机关应考虑无线电规则和本规则附则的要求。主管机关也应考虑1978年海员培训和发证国际会议所通过的有关决议案和有关的海协建议案。 ;;;; 规则Ⅳ/1附则 无线电报员最低附加知识和培训要求 ;;;; 除符合按照无线电规则颁发证书的要求外,电报员应该具有下述知识和包括实际训练在内的培训: ;;;; 1. 无线电应急业务的规定,包括: ;;;; (1)弃船; ;;;; (2)船舶失火; ;;;; (3)电台局部或全部损坏。 ;;;; 2. 救生艇、救生筏、救生浮具及其属具,特别是关于便携式和固定式救生艇无线电装置和应急无线电示位标的操作; ;;;; 3. 海上救助; ;;;; 4. 急救; ;;;; 5. 防火和灭火,特别是关于无线电设施的防火和灭火; ;;;; 6. 与船舶和人员安全有关的无线电设备的危害的预防措施,包括电的、辐射的、化学的和机械的危害; ;;;; 7. 海协《商船搜寻救生手册》的使用,特别是其中有关无线电通信部分的使用; ;;;; 8. 船位报告系统和程序; ;;;; 9. 国际信号规则和海协标准航海用语的使用; ;;;; 10. 无线电医疗系统和程序。 ;;;; 规则Ⅳ/2 保证无线电报员不断精通业务和掌握最新知识的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、 每个持有由主管机关颁发或承认的一种或几种证书的电报员,为了继续取得海上服务的资格,必须符合主管机关的下述要求: ;;;; 1. 在每隔不超过五年的时间内,进行体检,体格健康,特别是视力、听力和说话能力;以及 ;;;; 2. 专业能力: ;;;; (1)被认可的一个电报员的无线电通信业务,一次中断不得超过五年; ;;;; (2)如发生中断,应在海上或岸上,通过主管机关承认的测验或圆满地完成主管机关批准的(单科或综合的)训练课程,这些课程必须包括的内容是直接关系到海上人命安全和现代化无线电通信设备,也可包括无线电导航设备。 ;;;; 二、 当有权悬挂其旗帜的船舶采用了新的方法、设备或业务时,该主管机关可以要求无线电报员在海上或岸上通过一次被认可的测验或圆满地完成一次适当的、特别是与安全职责有关的单科或综合训练课程。 ;;;; 三、 经国际会议通过,在具有特殊培训要求的特种船舶上工作的每个电报员为继续取得海上工作的资格,必须圆满地完成认可的有关培训或考试,这些培训或考试,应该考虑有关的国际规则和建议案。 ;;;; 四、 主管机关必须保证向它所管辖下的船舶提供有关无线电通信和海上人命安全的国际规则中的最新修改的文本。 ;;;; 五、 在与有关方面协商下,鼓励主管机关在海上或岸上自愿或强制地(如适当)为现职的,特别是为重返海上服务的电报员制定或促使制订其结构公式化的复习和现代化课程。这些单科与综合的课程应该包括的内容是直接关系到无线电职责和海上无线电通信技术变化和有关的国际规则以及有关海上人命安全的建议案。 ;;;; 规则Ⅳ/3 无线电话务员发证的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、 在船上负责或执行无线电职责的每个无线电话务员,必须持有在无线电规则的规定下,由主管机关颁发或承认的一种或几种相应的证书。 ;;;; 二、 此外,在国际海上人命安全公约要求装有无线电话台的船上的无线电话务员,必须: ;;;; 1. 年龄不少于18岁; ;;;; 2. 符合主管机关对体检的要求,特别是视力、听力和说话能力; ;;;; 3. 符合本规则附则的要求。 ;;;; 三、 要求每个应试者必须通过一种或几种考试,并使有关主管机关满意。 ;;;; 四、 证书所要求的知识水平,对于无线电话务员完全地和有效地执行其无线电职责应该是足够的。在确定适当的知识水平和为要达到此种知识和实际能力所需的培训时,主管机关必须考虑无线电规则和本规则的附则的要求,主管机关也应考虑1978年海员培训和发证国际会议通过的有关决议案和有关的海协建议案。 ;;;; 规则Ⅳ/3附则 无线电话务员最低附加知识和培训要求 ;;;; 除符合无线电规则颁发证书的要求外,无线电话务员应具有下述知识和训练,包括实际的训练: ;;;; 1. 无线电应急业务的规定,包括: ;;;; (1)弃船; ;;;; (2)船舶失火; ;;;; (3)电台局部或全部损坏。 ;;;; 2. 救生艇、救生筏、救生浮具及其属具,特别是关于便携式和固定式救生艇无线电装置和应急无线电示位标的操作; ;;;; 3. 海上救助; ;;;; 4. 急救; ;;;; 5. 防火和灭火,特别是关于无线电设施的防火和灭火; ;;;; 6. 与船舶和人员安全有关的无线电设备的危害的预防措施,包括电的、辐射的、化学的和机械的危害; ;;;; 7. 海协《商船搜寻救生手册》的使用,特别是其中有关无线电通信部分; ;;;; 8. 船位报告系统和程序; ;;;; 9. 国际信号规则和海协标准航海用语的使用; ;;;; 10. 无线电医疗系统和程序。 ;;;; 第五章 对槽管轮的特别要求 ;;;; 规则Ⅴ/1 对油轮船长、高级船员和一般船员的培训和资格的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、 在油轮上与货和货运设备有关的、即将负有特殊职责和与那些职责有关的责任,以及那些未曾在油轮上作为正式人员工作过的高级船员和一般船员,在履行这种职责之前,应在岸上完成有关的消防课程,和 ;;;; 1. 为了获得足够的安全操作实践知识,在船上实习一个适当长的时期;或 ;;;; 2. 被认可的油轮业务课程,包括安全基础,防污染措施和方法,不同类型油轮的布局、货的类别,它们的危害性和处理设备,一般的操作顺序及油轮术语。 ;;;; 二、 船长、轮机长、大副、大管轮和除上述人员以外与装卸和照管运输和处理货油有直接责任的人员,除本规则第一款的规定外,还应: ;;;; 1. 有相应于他们在油轮职责的有关经验;和 ;;;; 2. 已完成一个与他们职责相适应的专门化的培训项目,包括油轮安全、防火安全措施和系统,防止和控制污染,操作实践以及适用法律和规则的应尽义务。 ;;;; 三、 缔约国在本公约生效后二年内,如果一个海员在这以前的五年中有不少于一年的时间在油轮上担任有关职务,则可被认为是符合本规则第二款第2项的要求。 ;;;; 规则Ⅴ/2 对化学品船船长、高级船员和一般船员的培训和资格的法定最低要求 一、 在化学品船上与货和货运设备有关的、即将负有特殊职责和与那些职责有关的责任以及那些未曾在化学品船上作为正式人员工作过的高级船员和一般船员,在履行这种职责之前,应在岸上完成有关的消防课程,和 ;;;; 1. 为了获得足够的安全操作实践知识,在船上实习一个适当长的时期;或 ;;;; 2. 被认可的化学品船业务课程,包括安全基础、防污染措施和方法,不同类型化学品船的布局、货的类别,它们的危害性和处理设备,一般的操作顺序及化学品船的术语。 ;;;; 二、 船长、轮机长、大副、大管轮和除上述人员以外与装卸和照管运输和处理货物有直接责任的人员,除本规则第一款的规定外,还必须: ;;;; 1. 有相应于他们在化学品船职责的有关经验;和 ;;;; 2. 已完成一个与他们职责相适应的专门培训项目,包括化学品船安全、防火安全措施和系统、防止和控制污染、操作实践以及适用法律和规则的应尽义务。 ;;;; 三、 缔约国在本公约生效后二年之内,如果一个海员在这以前五年中有不少于一年的时间在化学品船上担任有关职务,则可被认为是符合本规则第二款第2项的要求。 ;;;; 规则Ⅴ/3 对液化气体船船长、高级船员和一般船员的培训和资格的法定最低要求 ;;;; 一、 在液化气体船上与货和货运设备有关的、即将负有特殊职责和与那些职责有关的责任,以及那些未曾在液化气体船上作为正式人员工作过的高级船员和一般船员,在履行这种职责之前,应在岸上完成有关的消防课程,和 ;;;; 1. 为了获得足够的安全操作实践知识,在船上实习一个适当长的时期;或 ;;;; 2. 被认可的液化气体船业务课程,包括安全基础、防污染措施和方法,不同液化气体船的布局、货的类别,它们的危害性和处理设备,一般的操作顺序和液化气体船的术语。 ;;;; 二、 船长、轮机长、大副、大管轮和除上述人员之外与装卸和照管运输和处理货物有直接责任的人员,除本规则第一款的规定外,还应: ;;;; 1. 有相应于他们在液化气体船职责的有关经验;和 ;;;; 2. 已完成一个与他们职责相适应的专门培训项目,包括液化气体船的安全、防火安全措施和系统,防止和控制污染,操作实践以及适用法律和规则的应尽义务。 ;;;; 三、 缔约国在本公约生效后的二年之内,如果一个海员在这以前的五年中,有不少于一年的时间在液化气体船上担任有关职务,则可被认为是符合本规则第二款第2项的要求。 ;;;; 第六章 精通救生艇业务 ;;;; 规则Ⅵ/1 关于颁发精通救生艇业务证书的法定最低要求 ;;;; 每个发给精通救生艇业务证书的海员应: ;;;; 一、 年龄不小于17岁半; ;;;; 二、 符合主管机关对体检的要求; ;;;; 三、 不少于12个月已认可的海上经历或参加过认可的训练课程与不少于九个月认可的海上经历; ;;;; 四、 考试或在认可的训练课程中经常性考核使主管机关满意,即他已具有本规则附则所列内容的知识; ;;;; 五、 通过考试或在认可的训练课程中的经常性考核,使主管机关满意,表明他已具有下列能力: ;;;; 1. 正确地穿着救生衣;从高处安全地跳入水中;穿着救生衣从水中登上救生艇; ;;;; 2. 穿着救生衣扶正一个倾覆的救生筏; ;;;; 3. 说出救生艇上所标的额定乘员数; ;;;; 4. 对救生艇筏的放落、登乘、驶离大船、操纵和人员离艇作出所要求的正确指挥; ;;;; 5. 准备放艇并安全地放艇入水,迅速地驶离大船船边; ;;;; 6. 在弃船过程中和弃船后处理受伤人员; ;;;; 7. 划桨及操舵、竖桅、升帆、用帆和依罗经操舵时管理救生艇; ;;;; 8. 使用信号设备,包括烟火; ;;;; 9. 使用救生艇用的便携式无线电设备。 ;;;; 规则Ⅵ/1附则 颁发精通救生艇业务证书的最低知识要求 ;;;; 一、 可能发生的紧急情况类别,如碰撞、失火、沉没。 ;;;; 二、 救生原则包括: ;;;; 1. 训练和操练的意义; ;;;; 2. 必须随时准备好应付任何紧急情况; ;;;; 3. 当召唤至放救生艇处时应采取的行动; ;;;; 4. 当要求弃船时应采取的行动; ;;;; 5. 在水中应采取的行动; ;;;; 6. 在救生艇上应采取的行动; ;;;; 7. 对生还者的主要危险。 ;;;; 三、 分配给注明在集合名单中各个船员的专门职责,包括召集所有船员到救生艇或失火场所两种信号不同的部署。 ;;;; 四、 通常配备于船上的救生设备的种类。 ;;;; 五、 救生艇的构造和装备及其设备的各个细目。 ;;;; 六、 救生艇的特殊性能和设备。 ;;;; 七、 用于放落救生艇的吊艇柱的各种类型。 ;;;; 八、 将救生艇放到大风浪海面的方法。 ;;;; 九、 离大船后应采取的行动。 ;;;; 十、 在恶劣天气下操纵救生艇筏。 ;;;; 十一、 索具、海锚及所有其他设备的使用。 ;;;; 十二、 救生艇上食品和淡水的分配。 ;;;; 十三、 直升飞机救助的方法。 ;;;; 十四、 使用急救箱和复苏技术。 ;;;; 十五、 带在救生艇上的无线电设备,包括应急无线电示位标。 ;;;; 十六、 低温影响和防护,防护遮盖及防护服的使用。 ;;;; 十七、 启动和操纵救生艇机器的方法和所配灭火机的使用。 ;;;; 十八、 使用应急艇和机动救生艇以集合救助生还者与落海人员。 ;;;; 十九、 救生艇的抢滩。 ; ;;;INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATIONAND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS, 1978;;;;; ;;;; TABLE OF CONTENTSInternational Convention on Standards of Training, Certificationand watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 Annex; Chapter I. General Provisions;;;;; Regulation I/1 Definitions;;;;; Regulation I/2 Content of Certificates and Form of Endorsement;;;;; Regulation I/3 Principles Governing Near-Coastal Voyages;;;;; Regulation I/4 Control Procedures; Chapter II. Master-Deck Department;;;;; Regulation II/1 Basic Principles to be Observed in Keeping aNavigational Watch;;;;; Regulation II/2 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification ofMasters and Chief Mates of Ships of 200 Gross Register Tons or More;;;;; Regulation II/3 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification ofOfficers in Charge of a Navigational Watch and of Masters of Ships of Lessthan 200 Gross Register Tons;;;;; Regulation II/4 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification ofOfficers in Charge of a Navigational Watch on Ships of 200 Gross RegisterTons or More;;;;; Regulation II/5 Mandatory Minimum Requirements to Ensure theContinued Proficiency and Updating of Knowledge for Masters and DeckOfficers;;;;; Regulation II/6 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Ratings FormingPart of a Navigational Watch;;;;; Regulation II/7 Basic Principles to be Observed in Keeping a Watchin Port;;;;; Regulation II/8 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for a Watch in Porton ships Carrying Hazardous Cargo; Chapter III. Engine Department;;;;; Regulation III/1 Basic Principles to be Observed in Keeping anEngineering Watch;;;;; Regulation III/2 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification ofChief Engineer Officers and Second Engineer Officers of Ships Powered byMain Propulsion Machinery of 3000 kW Propulsion Power or More;;;;; Regulation III/3 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification ofChief Engineer Officers and Second Engineer Officers of Ships Powered byMain Propulsion Machinery between 750 kW and 3000 kW Propulsion Power;;;;; Regulation III/4 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification ofEngineer Officers in Charge of a Watch in a Traditionally Manned EngineRoom or Designated Duty Engineer Officers in a Periodically UnmannedEngine Room;;;;; Regulation III/5 Mandatory Minimum Requirements to Ensure theContinued Proficiency and Updating of Knowledge for Engineer Officers;;;;; Regulation III/6 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Ratings FormingPart of an Engine Room Watch; Chapter IV. Radio Department;;;;; Regulation IV/1 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification ofRadio Officers;;;;; Regulation IV/2 Mandatory Minimum Requirements to Ensure theContinued Proficiency and Updating of Knowledge for Radio Officers;;;;; Regulation IV/3 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Certification ofRadiotelephone Operators; Chapter V. Special Requirements for Tankers;;;;; Regulation V/1 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Training andQualifications of Masters, Officers and Ratings of Oil Tankers;;;;; Regulation V/2 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Training andQualifications of Masters, Officers and Ratings of Chemical Tankers;;;;; Regulation V/3 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Training andQualifications of Masters, Officers and Ratings of Liquefied Gas Tankers; Chapter VI. Proficiency in Survival Craft Regulation VI/1 MandatoryMinimum Requirements for the Issue of Certificate of Proficiency inSurvival CraftINTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING,; CERTIFICATION ANDWATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS, 1978;;; The Parties to this Convention,;;; Desiring to promote safety of life and property at sea and theprotection of the marine environment by establishing in common agreementinternational standards of training, certification and watchkeeping forseafarers,;;; Considering that this end may best be achieved by the conclusion of anInternational Convention on Standards of Training, Certification andWatchkeeping for Seafarers,;;; Have agreed as follows:;;;; ;;;; Article I General Obligations under the Convention;;; (1) The Parties undertake to give effect to the provisions of theConvention and the Annex thereto, which shall constitute an integral partof the Convention. Every reference to the Convention constitutes at thesame time a reference to the Annex.;;; (2) The Parties undertake to promulgate all laws, decrees, orders andregulations and to take all other steps which may be necessary to give theConvention full and complete effect, so as to ensure that, from the pointof view of safety of life and property at sea and the protection of themarine environment, seafarers on board ships are qualified and fit fortheir duties.;;;; ;;;; Article II Definitions;;; For the purpose of the Convention, unless expressly providedotherwise:;;;;;;; (a) ;Party; means a State for which the Convention has enteredinto force;;;;;;;; (b) ;Administration; means the Government of the Party whose flagthe ship is entitled to fly;;;;;;;; (c) ;Certificate; means a valid document, by whatever name it maybe known, issued by or under the authority of the Administration orrecognized by the Administration authorizing the holder to serve as statedin this document or as authorized by national regulations;;;;;;;; (d) ;Certificated; means properly holding a certificate;;;;;;;; (e) ;Organization; means the Inter-Governmental MaritimeConsultative Organization (IMCO);;;;;;;; (f) ;Secretary-General; means the Secretary-General of theOrganization;;;;;;;; (g) ;Sea-going ship; means a ship other than those which navigateexclusively in inland waters or in waters within, or closely adjacent to,sheltered waters or areas where port regulations apply;;;;;;;; (h) ;Fishing vessel; means a vessel used for catching fish,whales, seals, walrus or other living resources of the sea;;;;;;;; (i) ;Radio Regulations; means the Radio Regulations annexed to, orregarded as being annexed to, the most recent InternationalTelecommunication Convention which may be in force at any time.;;;; ;;;; Article III Application;;; The Convention shall apply to seafarers serving on board sea-goingships entitled to fly the flag of a Party except to those serving onboard:;;;;;;; (a) warships, naval auxiliaries or other ships owned or operatedby a State and engaged only on governmental non-commercial service;however, each Party shall ensure by the adoption of appropriate measuresnot impairing the operations or operational capabilities of such shipsowned or operated by it, that the persons serving on board such ships meetthe requirements of the Convention so far as is reasonable andpracticable;;;;;;;; (b) Fishing vessels;;;;;;;; (c) pleasure yachts not engaged in trade; or;;;;;;; (d) wooden ships of primitive build.;;;; ;;;; Article IV Communication of Information;;; (1) The Parties shall communicate as soon as practicable to theSecretary-General:;;;;;;; (a) the text of laws, decrees, orders, regulations and instrumentspromulgated on the various matters within the scope of the Convention;;;;;;;; (b) full details, where appropriate, of contents and duration ofstudy courses, together with their national examination and otherrequirements for each certificate issued in compliance with theConvention;;;;;;;; (c) a sufficient number of specimen certificates issued incompliance with the Convention.;;; (2) The Secretary-General shall notify all Parties of the receipt ofany communication under paragraph (1) (a) and, inter alia, for thepurposes of Articles IX and X, shall, on request,; provided them with anyinformation communicated to him under paragraphs (1) (b) and (c).;;;; ;;;; Article V Other Treaties and Interpretation;;; (1) All prior treaties, conventions and arrangements relating tostandards of training,; certification and watchkeeping for seafarers inforce between the Parties, shall continue to have full and complete effectduring the terms thereof as regards:;; ;;;;;(a) seafarers to whom this Convention does not apply;;;;;;;; (b) seafarers to whom this Convention applies, in respect ofmatters for which it has not expressly provided.;;; (2) To the extent, however, that such treaties, conventions orarrangements conflict with the provisions of the Convention, the Partiesshall review their commitments under such treaties, conventions andarrangements with a view to ensuring that there is no conflict betweenthese commitments and their obligations under the Convention.;;; (3) All matters which are not expressly provided for in the Conventionremain subject to the legislation of Parties.;;; (4) Nothing in the Convention shall prejudice the codification anddevelopment of the law of the sea by the United Nations Conference on theLaw of the Sea convened pursuant to resolution 2750 C (XXV) of the GeneralAssembly of the United Nations, nor the present or future claims and legalviews of any State concerning the law of the sea and the nature and extentof coastal and flag State jurisdiction.;;;; ;;;; Article VI Certificates;;; (1) Certificates for masters, officers or ratings shall be issued tothose candidates who, to the satisfaction of the Administration, meet therequirements for service, age, medical fitness,; training, qualificationand examinations in accordance with the appropriate provisions of theAnnex to the Convention.;;; (2) Certificates for masters and officers, issued in compliance withthis Article, shall be endorsed by the issuing Administration in the formas prescribed in Regulation I/2 of the Annex. If the language used is notEnglish, the endorsement shall include a translation into that language.;;;; ;;;; Article VII Transitional Provisions; ;;(1) A certificate of competency or of service in a capacity for whichthe Convention requires a certificate and which before entry into force ofthe Convention for a Party is issued in accordance with the laws of thatParty or the Radio Regulations, shall be recognized as valid for serviceafter entry into force of the Convention for that Party.;;; (2) After the entry into force of the Convention for a Party, itsAdministration may continue to issue certificates in competency inaccordance with its previous practices for a period not exceeding fiveyears. Such certificates shall be recognized as valid for the purpose ofthe Convention. During this transitional period such certificates shall beissued only to seafarers who had commenced their sea service before entryinto force of the Convention for that Party within the specific shipdepartment to which those certificates relate. The Administration shallensure that all other candidates for certification shall be examined andcertificated in accordance with the Convention.;;; (3) A Party may, within two years after entry into force of theConvention for that Party,; issue a certificate of service to seafarerswho hold neither an appropriate certificate under the Convention nor acertificate of competency issued under its laws before entry into force ofthe Convention for that Party but who have:;;;;;;; (a) served in the capacity for which they seek a certificate ofservice for not less than three years at sea within the last seven yearspreceding entry force of the Convention for that Party;;;;;;;; (b) produced evidence that they have performed that servicesatisfactorily;;;;;;;; (c) satisfied the Administration as to medical fitness, includingeyesight and hearing, taking into account their age at the time ofapplication.;;; For the purpose of the Convention, a certificate of service issuedunder this paragraph shall be regarded as the equivalent of a certificateissued under the Convention.;;;; ;;;; Article VIII Dispensation;;; (1) In the circumstances of exceptional necessity, Administrations, ifin their opinion this does not cause danger to persons, property or theenvironment, may issue a dispensation permitting a specified seafarer toserve in a specified ship for a specified period not exceeding six monthsin a capacity, other than that of the radio officer or radiotelephoneoperator, except as provided by the relevant Radio Regulations, for whichhe does not hold the appropriate certificate,; provided that the person towhom the dispensation is issued shall be adequately qualified to fill thevacant post in a safe manner, to the satisfaction of the Administration.However,; dispensations shall not be granted to a master or chief engineerofficer, except in circumstances of force majeure and then only for theshortest possible period.;;; (2) Any dispensation granted for a post shall be granted only to aperson properly certificated to fill the post immediately below. Wherecertification of the post below is not required by the Convention, adispensation may be issued to a person whose qualification and experienceare, in the opinion of the Administration, of a clear equivalence to therequirements for the post to be filled, provided that, if such a personholds no appropriate certificate, he shall be required to pass a testaccepted by the Administration as demonstrating that such a dispensationmay safely be issued. In addition, Administrations shall ensure that thepost in question is filled by the holder of an appropriate certificate assoon as possible.;;; (3) Parties shall, as soon as possible after January 1 of each year,send a report to the Secretary-General giving information of the totalnumber of dispensations in respect of each capacity for which acertificate is required that have been issued during the year to sea-goingships, together with information as to the numbers of those ships aboveand below 1 600 gross register tons respectively.;;;; ;;;; Article IX Equivalents;;; (1) The Convention shall not prevent an Administration from retainingor adopting other educational and training arrangements, including thoseinvolving sea-going service and shipboard organization especially adaptedto technical developments and to special types of ships and trades,provided that the level of sea-going service, knowledge and efficiency asregards navigational and technical handling of ship and cargo ensures adegree of safety at sea and has a preventive effect as regards pollutionat least equivalent to the requirements of the Convention.;;; (2) Details of such arrangements shall be reported as early aspracticable to the Secretary-General who shall circulate such particularsto all Parties.;;;; ;;;; Article X Control;;; (1) Ships, except those excluded by Article III, are subject, while inthe ports of a Party,; to control by officers duly authorized by thatParty to verify that all seafarers serving on board who are required to becertificated by the Convention are so certificated or hold an appropriatedispensation. Such certificates shall be accepted unless there are cleargrounds for believing that a certificate has been fraudulently obtained orthat the holder of a certificate is not the person to whom thatcertificate was originally issued.;;; (2) In the event that any deficiencies are found under paragraph (1)or under the procedures specified in Regulation I/4-;Control Procedures;,the officer carrying out the control shall forthwith inform, in writing,the master of the ship and the Consul or, in his absence,; the nearestdiplomatic representative or the maritime authority of the State whoseflag the ship is entitled to fly, so that appropriate action may be taken.Such notification shall specify the details of the deficiencies found andthe grounds on which the Party determines that these deficiencies pose adanger to persons, property or the environment.;;; (3) In exercising the control under paragraph (1) if, taking intoaccount the size and type of the ship and the length and nature of thevoyage, the deficiencies referred to in paragraph 3 of Regulation I/4 arenot corrected and it is determined that this fact poses a danger topersons,; property or the environment, the Party carrying out the controlshall take steps to ensure that the ship will not sail unless and untilthese requirements are met to the extent that the danger has been removed.The facts concerning the action taken shall be reported promptly to theSecretary-General.;;; (4) When exercising control under this Article, all possible effortsshall be made to avoid a ship being unduly detained or delayed. If a shipis so detained or delayed it shall be entitled to compensation for anyloss or damage resulting therefrom.; ;;(5) This Article shall be applied as may be necessary to ensure thatno more favourable treatment is given to ships entitled to fly the flag ofa non-Party than is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party.;;;; ;;;; Article XI Promotion of Technical Co-operation;;; (1) Parties to the Convention shall promote, in consultation with, andwith the assistance of, the Organization, support for those Parties whichrequest technical assistance for:;;;;;;; (a) training of administrative and technical personnel;;;;;;;; (b) establishment of institutions for the training of seafarers;;;;;;;; (c) supply of equipment and facilities for training institutions;;;;;;;; (d) development of adequate training programmes, includingpractical training on sea-going ships; and;;;;;;; (e) facilitation of other measures and arrangements to enhance thequalifications of seafarers;;;; preferably on a national, sub-regional or regional basis, to furtherthe aims and purposes of the Convention, taking into account the specialneeds of developing countries in this regard.;;; (2) On its part, the Organization shall pursue the aforesaid efforts,as appropriate, in consultation or association with the otherinternational organizations, particularly the International LabourOrganisation.;;;; ;;;; Article XII Amendments;;; (1) The Convention may be amended by either of the followingprocedures:;;;;;;; (a) amendments after consideration within the Organization:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) any amendment proposed by a Party shall be submitted tothe Secretary-General,; who shall then circulate it to all Members of theOrganization, all Parties and the Director-General of the InternationalLabour Office at least six months prior to its consideration;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) any amendment so proposed and circulated shall bereferred to the Maritime Safety Committee of the Organization forconsideration;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) Parties, whether or not Members of the Organization,shall be entitled to participate in the proceedings of the Maritime SafetyCommittee for consideration and adoption of amendments;;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) amendments shall be adopted by a two thirds majority ofthe Parties present and voting in the Maritime Safety Committee expandedas provided for in sub-paragraph (a) (iii) (hereinafter referred to as the;expanded Maritime Safety Committee;); on condition that at least onethird of the Parties shall be present at the time of voting;;;;;;;;;;;; (v) amendments so adopted shall be communicated by theSecretary-General to all Parties for acceptance;;;;;;;;;;;; (vi) an amendment to an Article shall be deemed to have beenaccepted on the date on which it is accepted by two thirds of the Parties;;;;;;;;;;;; (vii) an amendment to the Annex shall be deemed to have beenaccepted:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1. at the end of two years from the date on which it iscommunicated to Parties for acceptance; or;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2. at the end of a different period, which shall be notless than one year, if so determined at the time of its adoption by a twothirds majority of the Parties present and voting in the expandingMaritime Safety Committee;; however, the amendments shall be deemed not tohave been accepted if within the specified period either more than onethird of Parties, or Parties the combined merchant fleets of whichconstitute not less than fifty per cent of the gross tonnage of theworld\'s merchant shipping of ships of 100 gross register tons or more,notify the Secretary-General that they object to the amendment;;;;;;;;;;;; (viii) an amendment to an Article shall enter into force withrespect to those Parties which have accepted it, six months after the dateon which it is deemed to have been accepted, and with respect to eachParty which accepts it after that date,; six months after the date of thatParty\'s acceptance;;;;;;;;;;;; (ix) an amendment to the Annex shall enter into force withrespect to all Parties, except those which have objected to the amendmentunder sub-paragraph (a) (vii); and which have not withdrawn suchobjections, six months after the date on which it is deemed to have beenaccepted. Before the date determined for entry into force, any Party maygive notice to the Secretary-General that it exempts itself from givingeffect to that amendment for a period not longer than one year from thedate of its entry into force, or for such longer period as may bedetermined by a two thirds majority of the Parties present and voting inthe expanded Maritime Safety Committee at the time of the adoption of theamendment; or;;;;;;; (b) amendment by a conference:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) upon the request of a Party concurred in by at least onethird of the Parties, the Organization shall convene, in association orconsultation with the Director-General of the International Labour Office,a conference of Parties to consider amendments to the Convention;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) every amendment adopted by such a conference by a twothirds majority of the Parties present and voting shall be communicated bythe Secretary-General to all Parties for acceptance;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) unless the conference decides otherwise, the amendmentshall be deemed to have been accepted and shall enter into force inaccordance with the procedures specified in sub-paragraphs (a) (vi) and(a) (viii) or sub-paragraphs (a) (vii) and (a); (ix) respectively,provided that references in these sub-paragraphs to the expanded MaritimeSafety Committee shall be taken to mean references to the conference.;;; (2) Any declaration of acceptance of, or objection to, an amendment orany notice given under paragraph (1) (a) (ix) shall be submitted inwriting to the Secretary-General, who shall inform all Parties of any suchsubmission and the date of its receipt.;;; (3) The Secretary-General shall inform all Parties of any amendmentswhich enter into force, together with the date on which each suchamendment enters into force.;;;; ;;;; Article XIII Signature, Ratification, Acceptance, Approval and Ac-cession;;; (1) The Convention shall remain open for signature at the Headquartersof the Organization from December 1, 1978 until November 30, 1979 andshall thereafter remain open for accession. Any State may become a Partyby:;;;;;;; (a) signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptanceor approval; or;;;;;;; (b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval,followed by ratification, acceptance or approval; or;;;;;;; (c) accession.;;; (2) Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effectedby the deposit of an instrument to that effect with the Secretary-General.;;; (3) The Secretary-General shall inform all States that have signed theConvention or acceded to it and the Director-General of the InternationalLabour Office of any signature or of the deposit of any instrument orratification, acceptance, approval or accession and the date of itsdeposit.;;;; ;;;; Article XIV Entry into Force;;; (1) The Convention shall enter into force twelve months after the dateon which not less than twenty-five States, the combined merchant fleets ofwhich constitute not less than fifty per cent of the gross tonnage of theworld\'s merchant shipping of ships of 100 gross register tons or more,have either signed it without reservation as to ratification, acceptanceor approval or deposited the requisite instruments of ratification,acceptance, approval or accession in accordance with Article XIII.; ;;(2) The Secretary-General shall inform all States that have signed theConvention or acceded to it of the date on which it enters into force.;;; (3) Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accessiondeposited during the twelve months referred to in paragraph (1) shall takeeffect on the coming into force of the Convention or three months afterthe deposit of such instrument, whichever is the later date.;;; (4) Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accessiondeposited after the date on which the Convention enters into force shalltake effect three months after the date of deposit.;;; (5) After the date on which an amendment is deemed to have beenaccepted under Article XII, any instrument of ratification, acceptance,approval or accession deposited shall apply to the Convention as amended.;;;; ;;;; Article XV Denunciation;;; (1) The Convention may be denounced by any Party at any time afterfive years from the date on which the Convention entered into force forthat Party.;;; (2) Denunciation shall be effected by notification in writing to theSecretary-General who shall inform all other Parties and theDirector-General of the International Labour Office of any suchnotification received and of the date of its receipt as well as the dateon which such denunciation takes effect.;;; (3) A denunciation shall take effect twelve months after receipt ofthe notification of denunciation by the Secretary-General or after anylonger period which may be indicated in the notification.;;;; ;;;; Article XVI Deposit and Registration;;; (1) The Convention shall be deposited with the Secretary-General whoshall transmit certified true copies thereof to all States that havesigned the Convention or acceded to it.;;; (2) As soon as the Convention enters into force, the Secretary-Generalshall transmit the text to the Secretary-General of the United Nations forregistration and publication, in accordance with Article 102 of theCharter of the United Nations.;;;; ;;;; Article XVII Languages;;; The Convention is established in a single copy in the Chinese,English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equallyauthentic. Official translations in the Arabic and German languages shallbe prepared and deposited with the signed original.;;; IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned *, being duly authorized by theirrespective Governments for that purpose, have signed the Convention.;;; [* Signatures omitted.];;; DONE AT LONDON this seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred andseventy-eight.;;;; ;;;; ANNEX ;;;; ;;;; CHAPTER I. GENERAL PROVISIONS ;;;; ;;;; Regulation I/1 Definitions;;; For the purpose of this Convention, unless expressly providedotherwise:;;;;;;; (a) ;Regulations; means Regulations contained in the Annex to theConvention;;;;;;;; (b) ;Approved; means approved by the Administration;;;;;;;; (c) ;Master; means the person having command of a ship;;;;;;;; (d) ;Officer; means a member of the crew, other than the master,designated as such by national law or regulations or in the absence ofsuch designation by collective agreement or custom;;;;;;;; (e) ;Deck officer; means a qualified officer in the deckdepartment;;;;;;;; (f) ;Chief mate; means the deck officer next in rank to the masterand upon whom the command of the ship will fall in the event of theincapacity of the master;;;;;;;; (g) ;Engineer officer; means a qualified officer in the enginedepartment;;;;;;;; (h) ;Chief engineer officer; means the senior engineer officer,responsible for the mechanical propulsion of the ship;;;;;;;; (i) ;Second engineer officer; means the engineer officer next inrank to the chief engineer officer and upon whom the responsibility forthe mechanical propulsion of the ship will fall in the event of theincapacity of the chief engineer officer;;;;;;;; (j) ;Assistant engineer officer; means a person under training tobecome an engineer officer and designated as such by national law orregulations;;;;;;;; (k) ;Radio officer; means a person holding a first class or secondclass radiotelegraph operator\'s certificate or a radiocommunicationoperator\'s general certificate for the maritime mobile service issuedunder the provisions of the Radio Regulations, who is employed in theradiotelegraph station of a ship which is required to have such a stationby the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea;;;;;;;; (l) ;Radiotelephone operator; means a person holding anappropriate certificate issued under the provisions of the RadioRegulations;;;;;;;; (m) ;Rating; means a member of the ship\'s crew other than themaster or an officer;;;;;;;; (n) ;Near-coastal voyages; means voyages in the vicinity of aParty as defined by that Party;;;;;;;; (o) ;Propulsion power; means the power in kilowatts which appearson the ship\'s Certificate of Registry or other official document *;;;; [* It is assumed that the power so appearing on the Certificate ofRegistry or other official document is the total maximum continuous ratedoutput power of all the ship\'s main propulsion machinery.];;;;;;; (p) ;Radio duties; include, as appropriate, watchkeeping andtechnical maintenance and repairs in accordance with the RadioRegulations, the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Seaand, at the discretion of each Administration, the relevant IMCOrecommendations;;;;;;;; (q) ;Oil tanker; means a ship constructed and used for thecarriage of petroleum and petroleum products in bulk;;;;;;;; (r) ;Chemical tanker; means a ship constructed and used for thecarriage in bulk of any liquid chemical listed in the IMCO ;Code for theConstruction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk;.;;;;;;; (s) ;Liquefied gas tanker; means a ship constructed and used forthe carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas listed in the IMCO ;Code for theConstruction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk;.;;;; ;;;; Regulation I/2 Content of Certificates and Form of Endorsement;;; 1. Certificates shall be in the official language or languages of theissuing country. If the language used in not English, the text shallinclude a translation into that language.;;; 2. In respect of radio officers and radiotelephone operators,Administrations may:;;;;;;; (a) include the additional knowledge required by the relevantRegulations of the Annex to the Convention in the examination for theissue of a certificate complying with the Radio Regulations; or;;;;;;; (b) issue a separate certificate indicating that the holder hasthe additional knowledge required by the Annex to the Convention.;;; 3. The form of certificate endorsement required by Article VI of theConvention shall be as follows: Form of Endorsement of CertificatesENDORSEMENT OF CERTIFICATES (Official Seal)(Country); Issued under the provisions of theINTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION ANDWATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS, 1978;;;;;;;;;; The Government of (Name) certifies Either**{-----------------------------------;;;;;;;;;; I, the undersigned certify;;; [** Use one line or the other.];;; that the present Certificate/Certificate No __________________***, isissued to ___________________(full name of person), who has been foundduly qualified in accordance with the provisions of Regulation______________________of the International Convention on Standards of Training,Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as___________________* with the following limitations only:;;; [*** Delete as appropriate.];;; [* Insert Convention grade or class of Certificate.]; Insert herelimitations; ________________________________________________________________________ or ;none; as}________________________________________________________________________ appropriate; ________________________________________________________________________ Date of issue of this endorsement:__________________________________________________;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Signed___________________________________ (Official Seal);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (Name andsignature of duly authorized official); Date of birth of the holder of theCertificate_______________________________________ Signature of the holderof the Certificate___________________________________________;;;; ;;;; Regulation I/3 Principles Governing Near-Coastal Voyages;;; 1. Any Party defining near-coastal voyages for the purpose of theConvention shall not impose training, experience or certificationrequirements on the seafarers serving on board the ships entitled to flythe flag of another Party and engaged on such voyages in a mannerresulting in more stringent requirements for such seafarers than forseafarers serving on board ships entitled to fly its own flag. In no caseshall any such Party impose requirements in respect of seafarers servingon board ships entitled to fly the flag of another Party in excess ofthose of the Convention in respect of ships not engaged on near-coastalvoyages.;;; 2. With respect to ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party regularlyengaged on near-coastal voyages off the coast of another Party, the Partywhose flag the ship is entitled to fly shall prescribe training,experience and certification requirements for seafarers serving on suchships at least equal to those of the Party off whose coast the ship isengaged, provided that they do not exceed the requirements of theConvention in respect of ships not engaged on near-coastal voyages. A shipwhich extends its voyage beyond what is defined as a near-coastal voyageby a Party and enters waters not covered by that definition shall fulfilthe requirements of the Convention without relaxation under thisRegulation.;;; 3. A Party may afford a ship which is entitled to fly its flag thebenefits of the near-coastal voyages provisions of the Convention when itis regularly engaged off the coast of a non-Party on near-coastal voyagesas defined by the Party.;;; 4. Nothing in this Regulation shall in any way limit the jurisdictionof any State, whether or not a Party to the Convention.;;;; ;;;; Regulation I/4 Control Procedures;;; 1. Control exercised by a duly authorized control officer underArticle X shall be limited to the following:;;;;;;; (a) verification in accordance with Article X (1) that allseafarers serving on board who are required to be certificated by theConvention hold a valid certificate or a valid dispensation;;;;;;;; (b) assessment of the ability of the seafarers of the ship tomaintain watchkeeping standards as required by the Convention if there aregrounds for believing that such standards are not being maintainedbecause, while in the port of a Party or in the approaches to that Port,the following have occurred:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) the ship has been involved in a collision, grounding orstranding, or;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) there has been a discharge of substances from the shipwhen underway, at anchor or at berth which is illegal under internationalconventions; or;;;;;;; ;;;;(iii) the ship has been manoeuvred in an erratic or unsafemanner or navigational course markers or traffic separation schemes havenot been followed.;;; 2. The control officer shall provide written information to the masterof the ship and the appropriate representative of the flag State accordingto Article X if, as a result of control action taken in accordance withparagraph 1, any of the following deficiencies are revealed:;;;;;;; (a) failure of seafarers, required to hold a certificate, to havean appropriate valid certificate or valid dispensation;;;;;;;; (b) failure of navigational or engineering watch arrangements toconform to the requirements specified for the ship by the flag State;;;;;;;; (c) absence in a watch of a person qualified to operate equipmentessential to safe navigation or the prevention of pollution;;;;;;;; (d) inability of the master to provide rested persons for thefirst watch at the commencement of a voyage and subsequent relievingwatches.;;; 3. Failures to correct the deficiencies referred to in paragraph 2 (a)- to the extent that they relate to the certificates of the master, chiefengineer officer and officers in charge of navigational and engineeringwatches and, where relevant, the radio officer-and in paragraph 2 (b),shall be the only grounds under Article X on which a Party may detain aship.;;;; ;;;; CHAPTER II. MASTER-DECK DEPARTMENT ;;;; ;;;; Regulation II/1 Basic Principles to be Observed in Keeping a Navi-gational Watch;;; 1. Parties shall direct the attention of shipowners, ship operators,masters and watchkeeping personnel to the following principles which shallbe observed to ensure that a safe navigational watch is maintained at alltimes.;;; 2. The master of every ship is bound to ensure that watchkeepingarrangements are adequate for maintaining a safe navigational watch. Underthe master\'s general direction, the officers of the watch are responsiblefor navigating the ship safely during their periods of duty when they willbe particularly concerned with avoiding collision and stranding.;;; 3. The basic principles, including but not limited to the following,shall be taken into account on all ships.;;; 4. Watch arrangements;;;;;;; (a) The composition of the watch shall at all times be adequateand appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions and shalltake into account the need for maintaining a proper look-out.;;;;;;; (b) When deciding the composition of the watch on the bridge whichmay include appropriate deck ratings, the following factors, inter alia,shall be taken into account:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) at no time shall the bridge be left unattended;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) weather conditions, visibility and whether there isdaylight or darkness;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) proximity of navigational hazards which may make itnecessary for the officer in charge of the watch to carry out additionalnavigational duties;;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) use and operational condition of navigational aids suchas radar or electronic position-indicating devices and any other equipmentaffecting the safe navigation of the ship;;;;;;;;;;;; (v) whether the ship is fitted with automatic steering;;;;;;;;;;;; (vi) any unusual demands on the navigational watch that mayarise as a result of special operational circumstances.;;; 5. Fitness for duty;;; The watch system shall be such that the efficiency of watchkeepingofficers and watchkeeping ratings is not impaired by fatigue. Duties shallbe so organized that the first watch at the commencement of a voyage andthe subsequent relieving watches are sufficiently rested and otherwise fitfor duty.;;; 6. Navigation;;;;;;; (a) The intended voyage shall be planned in advance taking intoconsideration all pertinent information and any course laid down shall bechecked before the voyage commences.;;;;;;; (b) During the watch the course steered, position and speed shallbe checked at sufficiently frequent intervals, using any availablenavigational aids necessary, to ensure thatthe ship follows the planned course.;;;;;;; (c) The officer of the watch shall have full knowledge of thelocation and operation of all safety and navigational equipment on boardthe ship and shall be aware and take account of the operating limitationsof such equipment.;;;;;;; (d) The officer in charge of a navigational watch shall not beassigned or undertake any duties which would interfere with the safenavigation of the ship.;;; 7. Navigational equipment;;;;;;; (a) The officer of the watch shall make the most effective use ofall navigational equipment at his disposal.;;;;;;; (b) When using radar, the officer of the watch shall bear in mindthe necessity to comply at all times with the provisions on the use ofradar contained in the applicable regulations for preventing collisions atsea.;;;;;;; (c) In cases of need the officer of the watch shall not hesitateto use the helm, engines and sound signalling apparatus.;;; 8. Navigational duties and responsibilities;;;;;;; (a) The officer in charge of the watch shall:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) keep his watch on the bridge which he shall in nocircumstances leave until properly relieved;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) continue to be responsible for the safe navigation of theship, despite the presence of the master on the bridge, until the masterinforms him specifically that he has assumed that responsibility and thisis mutually understood;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) notify the master when in any doubt as to what action totake in the interest of safety;;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if hehas reason to believe that the latter is obviously not capable of carryingout his duties effectively, in which case he shall notify the masteraccordingly.;;;;;;; (b) On taking over the watch the relieving officer shall satisfyhimself as to the ship\'s estimated or true position and confirm itsintended track, course and speed and shall note any dangers to navigationexpected to be encountered during his watch.;;;;;;; (c) A proper record shall be kept of the movements and activitiesduring the watch relating to the navigation of the ship.;;; 9. Look-out;;; In addition to maintaining a proper look-out for the purpose of fullyappraising the situation and the risk of collision, stranding and otherdangers to navigation, the duties of the lookout shall include thedetection of ships or aircraft in distress, shipwrecked persons, wrecksand debris. In maintaining a look-out the following shall be observed:;;; ;;;;(a) the look-out must be able to give full attention to thekeeping of a proper look-out and no other duties shall be undertaken orassigned which could interfere with that task;;;;;;;; (b) the duties of the look-out and helmsman are separate and thehelmsman shall not be considered to be the look-out while steering, exceptin small ships where an unobstructed all-round view is provided at thesteering position and there is no impairment of night vision or otherimpediment to the keeping of a proper look-out. The officer in charge ofthe watch may be the sole look-out in daylight provided that on each suchoccasion:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) the situation has been carefully assessed and it has beenestablished without doubt that it is safe to do so;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) full account has been taken of all relevant factorsincluding, but not limited to:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - state of weather;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - visibility;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - traffic density;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - proximity of danger to navigation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - the attention necessary when navigating in or neartraffic separation schemes;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) assistance is immediately available to be summoned tothe bridge when any change in the situation so requires.;;; 10. Navigation with pilot embarked;;; Despite the duties and obligations of a pilot, his presence on boarddoes not relieve the master or officer in charge of the watch from theirduties and obligations for the safety of the ship. The master and thepilot shall exchange information regarding navigation procedures, localconditions and the ship\'s characteristics. The master and officer of thewatch shall co-operate closely with the pilot and maintain an accuratecheck of the ship\'s position and movement.;;; 11. Protection of the marine environment;;; The master and officer in charge of the watch shall be aware of theserious effects of operational or accidental pollution of the marineenvironment and shall take all possible precautions to prevent suchpollution, particularly within the framework of relevant international andport regulations.;;;; ;;;; Regulation II/2 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for CertificationofMasters and Chief Mates of Ships of 200 Gross Register Toms or More;;; Master and chief mate of ships of 1600 gross register tons or more;;; 1. Every master and chief mate of a sea-going ship of 1600 grossregister tons or more shall hold an appropriate certificate.;;; 2. Every candidate for certification shall:;;;;;;; (a) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness, particularlyregarding eyesight and hearing;;;;;;;; (b) meet the requirements for certification as an officer incharge of a navigational watch on ships of 200 gross register tons or moreand have approved sea-going service in that capacity:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) for certification as chief mate, not less than 18 months;however, this period may be reduced to not less than 12 months if theAdministration requires special training which it considers to beequivalent to at least six months\' service as officer in charge of anavigational watch;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) for certification as master, not less than 36 months;however, this period may be reduced to not less than 24 months if not lessthan 12 months of such sea-going service has been served as chief mate, orif the Administration requires special training which it considers to beequivalent to such service;;;;;;;; (c) have passed appropriate examination to the satisfaction of theAdministration. Such examination shall include the material set out in theAppendix to this Regulation, except that the Administration may vary theseexamination requirements for masters and chief mates of ships of limitedsize engaged on near-coastal voyages, as it considers necessary, bearingin mind the effect on the safety of all ships which may be operating inthe same waters.;;; Master and chief mate of ships between 200 and 1600 gross registertons;;; 3. Every master and chief mate of a sea-going ship of between 200 and1600 gross register tons shall hold an appropriate certificate.;;; 4. Every candidate for certification shall:;;;;;;; (a) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness, particularlyregarding eyesight and hearing;;;;;;;; (b) (i) for certification as chief mate, meet the requirements ofan officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 200 grossregister tons or more;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) for certification as master, meet the requirements of anofficer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 200 gross registertons or more and have approved seagoing service in that capacity of notless than 36 months; however, this period may be reduced to not less than24 months if not less than 12 months of such seagoing service has beenserved as chief mate, or if the Administration requires special trainingwhich it considers to be equivalent to such service;;;;;;;; (c) have passed appropriate examination to the satisfaction of theAdministration. Such examination shall include the material set out in theAppendix, except that the Administration may vary these examinationrequirements for masters and chief mates of ships engaged on near-coastalvoyages, as it considers appropriate, to exclude such material as is notapplicable to the waters or ships concerned, bearing in mind the effect onthe safety of all ships which may be operating in the same waters. General;;; 5. The level of knowledge required under the different headings of theAppendix may be varied according to whether the certificate is beingissued at master or chief mate level, and according to whether thecertificate or certificates is applicable to ships of 1600 gross registertons or more, or to ships of between 200 and 1600 gross register tons.;;;; ;;;; APPENDIX TO REGULATION II/2 MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED FOR CERTI-FICATION OF MASTERS AND CHIEF MATES OF SHIPS OF 200 GROSS REGISTER TONS ORMORE;;; 1. The syllabus given below is compiled for examination of candidatesfor certification as master or chief mate of ships of 200 gross registertons or more. It is intended to expand and extend in depth the subjectscontained in Regulation II/4 - ;Mandatory Minimum Requirements forCertification of Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch on Ships of200 Gross Register Tons or More;. Bearing in mind that a master hasultimate responsibility for the safety of the ship, its passengers, crewand cargo, and that a chief mate shall be in a position to assume thatresponsibility at any time, examination in these subjects shall bedesigned to test their ability to assimilate all available informationthat affects the safety of the ship.;;; 2. Navigation and position determination;;;;;;; (a) Voyage planning and navigation for all conditions:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) by acceptable methods of plotting ocean tracks;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) within restricted waters;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) in ice;;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) in restricted visibility;;;;;;;;;;;; (v) in traffic separation schemes;;;;;;;;;;;; (vi) in areas of extensive tidal effects.;;;;;;; (b) Position determination:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) by celestial observations, including the use of sun,stars, moon and planets;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) by terrestrial observations, including the ability to usebearings from landmarks and aids to navigation such as lighthouses,beacons and buoys in conjunction with appropriate charts, notices tomariners and other publications to assess the accuracy of the resultingposition fix;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) using all modern ship electronic navigational aids tothe satisfaction of the Administration,; with specific knowledge of theiroperating principles, limitations,; sources of error, detection ofmisrepresentation of information and methods of correction to obtainaccurate position fixing.;;; 3. Watchkeeping;;;;;;; (a) Demonstrate thorough knowledge of content, application andintent of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea,including those Annexes concerned with safe navigation.;;;;;;; (b) Demonstrate knowledge of Regulation II/1 - ;Basic Principlesto be Observed in Keeping a Navigational Watch;.;;; 4. Radar equipment;;; Demonstrate in conjunction with the use of radar simulator or, whennot available, manoeuvring board, knowledge of the fundamentals of radarand ability in the operation and use of radar, and in the interpretationand analysis of information obtained from this equipment,; including:;;;;;; (a) factors affecting performance and accuracy;;;;;;; (b) setting up and maintaining displays;;;;;;; (c) detection of misrepresentation of information, false echoes,sea return, etc.;;;;;;; (d) range and bearing;;;;;;; (e) identification of critical echoes;;;;;;; (f) course and speed of other ships;;;;;;; (g) time and distance of closest approach of crossing, meeting orovertaking ships;;;;;;; (h) detecting course and speed changes of other ships;;;;;;; (i) effect of changes in own ship\'s course or speed or both;;;;;;; (j) application of the International Regulations for PreventingCollisions at Sea.;;; 5. Compasses-magnetic and gyro;;; Ability to determine and correct the errors of the magnetic andgyro-compasses and knowledge of the means for correcting such errors.;;; 6. Meteorology and oceanography;;;;;;; (a) Demonstrate the ability to understand and interpret a synopticchart and to forecast area weather, taking into account local weatherconditions.;;;;;;; (b) Knowledge of the characteristics of various weather systems,including tropical revolving storms and avoidance of storm centres and thedangerous quadrants.;;;;;;; (c) Knowledge of ocean current systems.;;;;;;; (d) Ability to use all appropriate navigational publications ontides and currents, including those in the English language.;;;;;;; (e) Ability to calculate tidal conditions.;; ;7. Ship manoeuvring and handling;;; Manoeuvring and handling of a ship in all conditions, including thefollowing:;;;;;;; (a) manoeuvres when approaching pilot vessels or stations with dueregard to weather,; tide, headreach and stopping distances;;;; ;;;;(b) handling a ship in rivers, estuaries, etc., having regard tothe effects of current,; wind and restricted water on the response to thehelm;;;;;;;; (c) manoeuvring in shallow water, including the reduction in keelclearance due to the effect of squat*, rolling and pitching;;;; [* Squat: the decrease in clearance beneath a ship which occurs whenthe ship moves through the water and is caused both by bodily sinkage andby change of trim. The effect is accentuated in shallow water and isreduced with a reduction in ship\'s speed.];;;;;;; (d) interaction between passing ships and between own ship andnearby banks (canal effect);;;;;;;; (e) berthing and unberthing under various conditions of wind andtide with and without tugs;;;;;;;; (f) choice of anchorage, anchoring with one or two anchors inlimited anchorages and factors involved in determining the length ofanchor cable to be used;;;;;;;; (g) dragging; clearing fouled anchors;;;;;;;; (h) dry-docking, both with and without damage;;;;;;;; (i) management and handling of ships in heavy weather, includingassisting a ship or aircraft in distress, towing operations, means ofkeeping an unmanageable ship out of a sea trough, lessening drift and useof oil;;;;;;;; (j) precautions in manoeuvring for launching boats or liferafts inbad weather;;;;;;;; (k) methods of taking on board survivors from lifeboats orliferafts;;;;;;;; (l) ability to determine the manoeuvring and enginecharacteristics of major types of ships with special reference to stoppingdistances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds;;;;;;;; (m) the importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damagecaused by own ship\'s bow or stern wave;;;;;;;; (n) practical measures to be taken when navigating in ice orconditions of ice accumulation on board;;;;;;;; (o) the use of, and manoeuvring in, traffic separation schemes.;;; 8. Ship stability *, construction and damage control;;; [* Masters and chief mates serving on small ships shall be fullyacquainted with the basic stability requirements of such ships.];;;;;;; (a) Understanding fundamental principles of ship construction andthe theories and factors affecting trim and stability and measuresnecessary to preserve safe trim and stability.;;;;;;; (b) Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of a ship in theevent of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment and countermeasures to be taken.;;;;;;; (c) Demonstrate use of stability, trim and stress tables, diagramsand stress calculating equipment,; including knowledge of loading cargoesand ballasting in order to keep hull stresses within acceptable limits.;;;;;;; (d) General knowledge of the principal structural members of aship and the proper names of the various parts.;;;;;;; (e) Knowledge of IMCO recommendations concerning ship stability.;;; 9. Ship power plants;;;;;;; (a) Operating principles of marine power plants.;;;;;;; (b) Ships\' auxiliary machinery.;;;;;;; (c) General knowledge of marine engineering terms.;;; 10. Cargo handling and stowage;;;;;;; (a) The stowage and securing of cargoes on board ships, includingcargo gear.;;;;;;; (b) Loading and discharging operations, with special regard toloading and discharging of heavy weights.;;;;;;; (c) International regulations and recommendations relating to thecarriage of cargoes, in particular the International Maritime DangerousGoods Code (IMDG).;;;;;;; (d) Carriage of dangerous goods; precautions to be taken duringloading and discharging operations and the care of dangerous goods duringa voyage.;;;;;;; (e) Working knowledge of contents and application of currentrelevant tanker safety guides.;;;;;;; (f) Working knowledge of commonly used cargo piping and pumpingarrangements.;;;;;;; (g) Terms and definitions used to describe properties of commonoil cargoes, such as crude oil, middle distillates, naphtha.;;;;;;; (h) Pollution regulations; ballasting, tank cleaning and gasfreeing operations.;;;;;;; (i) Load-on-top procedures.;;; 11. Fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances;;;;;;; (a) Organization of fire drills.;;;;;;; (b) Classes and chemistry of fire.;;;;;;; (c) Fire-fighting systems.;;;;;;; (d) Attendance at an approved fire-fighting course.;;;;;;; (e) Knowledge of regulations concerning fire-fighting equipment.;;; 12. Emergency procedures;;;;;;; (a) Precautions when beaching a ship.;;;;;;; (b) Action to be taken prior to, and after, grounding.;;;;;;; (c) Floating a grounded ship, with and without assistance.;;;;;;; (d) Action to be taken following a collision.;;;;;;; (e) Temporary plugging of leaks.;;;;;;; (f) Measures for the protection and safety of passengers and crewin emergencies.;;;;;;; (g) Limiting damage and salving the ship following a fire orexplosion.;;;;;;; (h) Abandoning ship.;;;;;;; (i) Emergency steering, rigging and use of jury steering and themeans of rigging a jury rudder, where practicable.;;;;;;; (j) Rescuing persons from a ship in distress or from a wreck.; ;;;;;;(k) Man-overboard procedures.;;; 13. Medical care;;; A thorough knowledge of the use of the contents of the followingpublications:;;;;;;; (a) International Medical Guide for Ships or equivalent nationalpublications;;;;;;;; (b) Medical section of the International Code of Signals;;;;;;;; (c) Medical First Aid Guide For Use in Accidents InvolvingDangerous Goods.;;; 14. Maritime law;;;;;;; (a) A knowledge of international maritime law as embodied ininternational agreements and conventions as they affect the specificobligations and responsibilities of the master,; particularly thoseconcerning safety and the protection of the marine environment. Regardshall be paid especially to the following subjects:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) certificates and other documents required to be carried onboard ships by international conventions, how they may be obtained and theperiod of their legal validity;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) responsibilities under the relevant requirements of theInternational Convention on Load Lines;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) responsibilities under the relevant requirements of theInternational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea;;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) responsibilities under international conventions for theprevention of pollution from ships;;;;;;;;;;;; (v) maritime declarations of health, the requirements of theInternational Health Regulations;;;;;;;;;;;; (vi) responsibilities under the Convention on theInternational Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea;;;;;;;;;;;; (vii) responsibilities under other international instrumentsaffecting the safety of the ship, passengers, crew and cargo.;;;;;;; (b) The extent of knowledge of national maritime legislation isleft to the discretion of the Administration but shall include nationalarrangements for implementing international agreements and conventions.;;; 15. Personnel management and training responsibilities;;; A knowledge of personnel management, organization and training aboardships.;;; 16. Communications;;;;;;; (a) Ability to transmit and receive messages by Morse light and touse the International Code of Signals; where the Administration hasexamined candidates in these subjects at the lower levels ofcertification, they may have the option of not re-examining in thesesubjects for certification as master.;;;;;;; (b) Knowledge of procedures used in radiotelephone communicationsand ability to use radiotelephones,; in particular with respect todistress, urgency, safety and navigational messages.;;;;;;; (c) A knowledge of the procedures for emergency distress signalsby radiotelegraphy as prescribed in the Radio Regulations.;;; 17. Life-saving;;; A thorough knowledge of life-saving appliance regulations(International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea), organisation ofabandon ship drills, lifeboats, liferafts and other life-saving equipment.;;; 18. Search and rescue;;; A thorough knowledge of the IMCO Merchant Ship Search and RescueManual (MERSAR).;;; 19. Methods for demonstration of proficiency;;; (a) Navigation;;; Demonstrate the use of sextant, pelorus, azimuth mirror and ability toplot position,; course, bearings.;;; (b) International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea;;; ;;;;(i) use of small models displaying proper signals or lights, ornavigation light simulator;;;;;;;; (ii) manoeuvring board or radar simulator;;; (c) Radar;;;;;;; (i) radar simulator; or;;;;;;; (ii) manoeuvring boards.;;; (d) Fire-fighting;;; Attendance at an approved fire-fighting course.;;; (e) Communications;;; Visual and vocal practical test.;;; (f) Life-saving;;; Launching and handling of lifeboats and other life-saving appliances,including the donning of life-jackets.;;;; ;;;; Regulation II/3 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for CertificationofOfficers in Charge of a Navigational Watch and of Masters of Ships ofLess than 200 Gross Register Tons;;; 1. Ships not engaged on near-coastal voyages;;;;;;; (a) Every master serving on a sea-going ship of less than 200gross register tons not engaged on near-coastal voyages shall hold acertificate recognized by the Administration for service as master ofships of between 200 and 1600 gross register tons.;;;;;;; (b) Every officer in charge of a navigational watch serving on asea-going ship of less than 200 gross register tons not engaged onnear-coastal voyages shall hold an appropriate certificate for ships of200 gross register tons or more.;;; 2. Ships engaged on near-coastal voyages;;;;;;; (a) Master;;;;;;;;;;; (i) Every master serving in a sea-going ship of less than 200gross register tons engaged on near-coastal voyages shall hold anappropriate certificate.;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) Every candidate for certification shall:;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;(1) be not less than 20 years of age;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (2) have approved sea-going service of not less than 12months as officer in charge of a navigational watch;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (3) satisfy the Administration that he possesses adequateknowledge appropriate to his duties on the ships concerned which shallinclude the subjects contained in the Appendix to this Regulation.;;;;;;; (b) Officer in charge of a navigational watch;;;;;;;;;;; (i) Every officer in charge of a navigational watch on asea-going ship of less than 200 gross register tons engaged onnear-coastal voyages shall hold an appropriate certificate.;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) Every candidate for certification shall:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (1) be not less than 18 years of age;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (2) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness,particularly regarding eyesight and hearing;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (3) satisfy the Administration that he has:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - successfully undergone special training, includingan adequate period of appropriate sea-going service as required by theAdministration; or;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - completed approved sea-going service in the deckdepartment of not less than three years;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (4) satisfy the Administration that he possesses adequateknowledge appropriate to his duties on the ships concerned, which shallinclude the subjects contained in the Appendix.;;; 3. Training;;; Training to achieve the necessary knowledge and practical experienceshall be based on Regulation II/1 - ;Basic Principles to be Observed inKeeping a Navigational Watch; and relevant international regulations andrecommendations.;;; 4. Exemptions;;; The Administration, if it considers that a ship\'s size and theconditions of its voyage are such as to render the application of the fullrequirements of this Regulation and its Appendix unreadable orimpracticable, may to that extent exempt the master and the officer incharge of a navigational watch on such a ship or class of ships from someof the requirements, bearing in mind the safety of all ships which may beoperating in the same waters.;;;; ;;;; APPENDIX TO REGULATION II/3 MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED FOR CERTI-FICATION OF OFFICERS IN CHARGE OF A NAVIGATIONAL WATCH AND OF MASTERS OFSHIPS OF LESS THAN 200 GROSS REGISTER TONS;;; 1. (a) Knowledge of the following:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) coastal navigation and, to the extent required, celestialnavigation;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) International Regulations for Preventing Collisions atSea;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG);;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) magnetic compass;;;;;;;;;;;; (v) radiotelephony and visual signalling;;;;;;;;;;;; (vi) fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances;;;;;;;;;;;; (vii) life-saving;;;;;;;;;;;; (viii) emergency procedures;;;;;;;;;;;; (ix) ship manoeuvring;;;;;;;;;;;; (x) ship stability;;;;;;;;;;;; (xi) meteorology;;;;;;;;;;;; (xii) small ship power plants;;;;;;;;;;;; (xiii) first aid;;;;;;;;;;;; (xiv) search and rescue;;;;;;;;;;;; (xv) prevention of pollution of the marine environment.;;;;;;; (b) In addition to the requirements of sub-paragraph (a),sufficient knowledge to operate safely all navigational aids and equipmentfitted aboard the ships concerned.;;;;;;; (c) The level of knowledge to be required in the subjectsspecified in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be sufficient for theofficer of the watch to carry out his duties safely.;;; 2. Every master serving on a sea-going ship of less than 200 grossregister tons shall, in addition to the requirements of paragraph 1 above,satisfy the Administration that he possesses the knowledge to carry outall the duties of such a master safely.;;;; ;;;; Regulation II/4 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for CertificationofOfficers in Charge of a Navigational Watch on Ships of 200 Gross Regis-ter Tons or More;;; 1. Every officer in charge of a navigational watch serving on asea-going ship of 200 gross register tons or more shall hold anappropriate certificate.;;; 2. Every candidate for certification shall:;;;;;;; (a) be not less than 18 years of age;;;;;;;; (b) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness, particularlyregarding eyesight and hearing;;;;;;;; (c) have approved sea-going service in the deck department of notless than three years which shall include at least six months of bridgewatchkeeping duties under the supervision of a qualified officer; however,an Administration may allow the substitution of a period of specialtraining for not more than two years of this approved sea-going service,provided the Administration is satisfied that such training is at leastequivalent in value to the period of sea-going service it replaces;;;;;;;; (d) satisfy the Administration by passing an appropriateexamination that he possesses adequate theoretical and practical knowledgeappropriate to his duties.;;; 3. Certificates for service without restriction;;; For issue of certificates for services without restriction as to areaof operation, the examination shall test the adequacy of the candidate\'stheoretical and practical knowledge in the subjects shown in the Appendixto this Regulation.;;; 4. Restricted certificates;;; For issue of restricted certificates for service on near-coastalvoyages, the Administration may omit the following subjects from thoseshown in the Appendix, bearing in mind the effect on the safety of allships which may be operating in the same waters:;;;;;;; (a) celestial navigation;;;;;;;; (b) electronic systems of position fixing and navigation forwaters not covered by such systems.;;; 5. Level of knowledge;;;;;;; (a) The level of knowledge to be required in the subjects shown inthe Appendix shall be sufficient for the officer of the watch to carry outhis watchkeeping duties safely. In determining the appropriate level ofknowledge the Administration shall take into account the remarks undereach subject in the Appendix.;;;;;;; (b) Training to achieve the necessary theoretical knowledge andpractical experience shall be based on Regulation II/1- ;Basic Principlesto be Observed in Keeping a Navigational Watch; and relevant internationalregulations and recommendations.;;;; ;;;; APPENDIX TO REGULATION II/4 MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED FOR CERTI-FICATION OF OFFICERS IN CHARGE OF A NAVIGATIONAL WATCH ON SHIPS OF 200GROSS REGISTER TONS OR MORE;;; 1. Celestial navigation;;; Ability to use celestial bodies to determine the ship\'s position andcompass errors.;;; 2. Terrestrial and coastal navigation;;;;;;; (a) Ability to determine the ship\'s position by the use of:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) landmarks;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) aids to navigation, including lighthouses, beacons andbuoys;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) dead reckoning, taking into account winds, tides,currents and speed by propeller revolutions per minute and by log.;;;;;;; (b) Thorough knowledge of and ability to use navigational chartsand publications, such as sailing directions, tide tables, notices tomariners, radio navigational warnings and ships\' routeing information.;;; 3. Radar navigation;;; Knowledge of the fundamentals of radar and ability in the operationand use of radar and ability to interpret and analyse information obtainedby use of radar including the following:;;; (a) factors affecting performance and accuracy;;;; (b) setting up and maintaining displays;;;; (c) detection of misrepresentation of information, false echoes, seareturn, etc.;;;; (d) range and bearing;;;; (e) identification of critical echoes;;;; (f) course and speed of other ships;;;; (g) time and distance of closest approach of crossing, meeting orovertaking ships;;;; (h) detecting course and speed changes of other ships;;;; (i) effect of changes in own ship\'s course or speed or both;;;; (j) application of the International Regulations for PreventingCollisions at Sea.; ;;4. Watchkeeping;;;;;;; (a) Demonstrate thorough knowledge of content, application andintent of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea,including those Annexes concerned with safe navigation.;;;;;;; (b) Demonstrate knowledge of content of Regulation II/1-;BasicPrinciples to be Observed in Keeping a Navigational Watch;.;;; 5. Electronic systems of position fixing and navigation;;; Ability to determine the ship\'s position by the use of electronicnavigational aids to the satisfaction of the Administration.;;; 6. Radio direction-finders and echo-sounders;;; Ability to operate the equipment and apply the information correctly.;;; 7. Meteorology;;; Knowledge of shipborne meteorological instruments and theirapplication. Knowledge of the characteristics of various weather systems,reporting procedures and recording systems and the ability to apply themeteorological information available.;;; 8. Compasses-magnetic and gyro;;; Knowledge of the principles of magnetic and gyro-compasses includingerrors and corrections. With regard to gyro-compasses, an understanding ofthe systems under the control of the master gyro and a knowledge of theoperation and care of the main types of gyro-compasses.;;; 9. Automatic pilot;;; Knowledge of automatic pilot systems and procedures.;;; 10. Radiotelephony and visual signalling;;;;;;; (a) Ability to transmit and receive messages by Morse light.;;;;;;; (b) Ability to use the International Code of Signals.;;;;;;; (c) Knowledge of procedures used in radiotelephone communicationsand ability to use radiotelephones,; in particular wit respect todistress, urgency, safety and navigational messages.;;; 11. Fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances;;; (a) Ability to organize fire drills.;;; (b) Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire.;;; (c) Knowledge of fire-fighting systems.;;; (d) Attendance at an approved fire-fighting course.;;; 12. Life-saving;;; Ability to organize abandon ship drills and knowledge of the operationof lifeboats, liferafts,; buoyant apparatus and similar life-savingappliances along with their equipment, including portable radio apparatusand emergency position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs). Knowledge ofsurvival at sea techniques.;;; 13. Emergency procedures;;; Knowledge of the items listed in the appropriate Appendix of thecurrent edition of the ILO/IMCO ;Document for Guidance;.;;; 14. Ship manoeuvring and handling;;; Knowledge of:;;;;;;; (a) the effects of various deadweights, draughts, trim, speed andunder keel clearance on turning circles and stopping distances;;;;;;;; (b) effects of wind and current on ship handling;;;;;;;; (c) manoeuvres for the rescue of man-overboard;;;;;;;; (d) squat, shallow water and similar effects;;;;;;;; (e) proper procedures for anchoring and mooring.;;; 15. Ship stability;;;;;;; (a) Working knowledge and application of stability, trim andstress tables, diagrams and stress calculating equipment.;;;;;;; (b) Understanding of fundamental actions to be taken in the eventof partial loss of intact buoyancy.;;; 16. English language;;; Adequate knowledge of the English language enabling the officer to usecharts and other nautical publications, to understand meteorologicalinformation and messages concerning ship\'s safety and operation and toexpress himself clearly in his communications with other ships or coaststations. Ability to understand and use the IMCO Standard MarineNavigational Vocabulary.;;; 17. Ship construction;;; General knowledge of the principal structural members of a ship andthe proper names of the various parts.;;; 18. Cargo handling and stowage;;; Knowledge of safe handling and stowage of cargoes and the effect ofthese factors on the safety of the ship.;;; 19. Medical aid;;; Practical application of medical guides and advice by radio, includingthe ability to take effective action based on such knowledge in the caseof accidents or illnesses that are likely to occur on board ship.;;; 20. Search and rescue;;; Knowledge of the IMCO Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual (MERSAR).;;; 21. Prevention of pollution of the marine environment;;; Knowledge of the precautions to be observed to prevent pollution ofthe marine environment.;;;; ;;;; Regulation II/5 Mandatory Minimum Requirements to Ensure the Con-tinued Proficiency and Updating of Knowledge for Masters and Deck Officers;;; 1. Every master and every deck officer holding a certificate who isserving at sea or intends to return to sea after a period ashore shall, inorder to continue to qualify for sea-going service, be required at regularintervals not exceeding five years to satisfy the Administration as to:;;; (a) medical fitness, particularly regarding eyesight and hearing; and;;; (b) professional competence:;;;;;;; (i) by approved sea-going service as master or deck officer of atleast one year during the preceding five years; or;;;;;;; (ii) by virtue of having performed functions relating to theduties appropriate to the grade of certificate held which are consideredto be at least equivalent to the seagoing service required in paragraph1(b) (i); or;;;;;;; (iii) by one of the following:;;;;;;;;;;;; -passing an approved test; or;;;;;;;;;;;; -successfully completing an approved course or courses; or;;;;;;;;;;;; -having completed approved sea-going service as a deckofficer for a period of not less than three months in a supernumerarycapacity immediately prior to taking up the rank to which he is entitledby virtue of his certificate.;;; 2. The Administration shall, in consultation with those concerned,formulate or promote the formulation of a structure of refresher andupdating courses, either voluntary or mandatory,; as appropriated, formasters and deck officers who are serving at sea, especially forre-entrants to sea-going service. The Administration shall ensure thatarrangements are made to enable all persons concerned to attend suchcourses as appropriate to their experience and duties. Such courses shallbe approved by the Administration and include changes in marine technologyand relevant international regulations and recommendations concerning thesafety of life at sea and the protection of the marine environment.;;; 3. Every master and deck officer shall, for continuing sea-goingservice on board ships for which special training requirements have beeninternationally agreed upon, successfully complete an approved relevanttraining.;;; 4. The Administration shall ensure that the texts of recent changes ininternational regulations concerning the safety of life at sea and theprotection of the marine environment are made available to ships under itsjurisdiction.;;;; ;;;; Regulation II/6 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Ratings FormingPart of a Navigational Watch;;; 1. The minimum requirements for a rating forming part of anavigational watch on a seagoing ship of 200 gross register tons or moreare set out in paragraph 2. These requirements are not those forcertification of able seamen, nor, except for ships of limited size, arethey minimum requirements for a rating who is to be the sole rating of anavigational watch. Administrations may require additional training andqualifications for a rating who is to be the sole rating of a navigationalwatch.;;; 2. Every rating forming part of a navigational watch on a sea-goingship of 200 gross register tons or more shall:;;;;;;; (a) be not less than 16 years of age;;;;;;;; (b) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness, particularlyregarding eyesight and hearing;;;;;;;; (c) satisfy the Administration that he has:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) completed approved sea-going service, including not lessthan six months\' sea experience associated, in particular, withnavigational watchkeeping duties; or;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) successfully undergone special training, either pre-seaor aboard ship, including an adequate period of sea-going service asrequired by the Administration which shall be not less than two months;;;;;;;; (d) have experience or training which includes:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) basic principles of fire-fighting, first aid, personalsurvival techniques, health hazards and personal safety;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) ability to understand orders and make himself understoodby the officer of the watch in matters relevant to his duties;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) ability to steer and comply with helm orders, togetherwith sufficient knowledge of magnetic and gyro compasses for performanceof these duties;;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) ability to keep a proper look-out by sight and hearingand report the approximate bearing of a sound signal, light or otherobject in degrees or points;;;;;;;;;;;; (v) familiarity with the change-over from automatic pilot tohand steering and vice versa;;;;;;;;;;;; (vi) knowledge of the use of appropriate internalcommunication and alarm systems;;;;;;;;;;;; (vii) knowledge of pyrotechnic distress signals;;;;;;;;;;;; (viii) knowledge of his emergency duties;;;;;;;;;;;; (ix) knowledge of shipboard terms and definitions appropriateto his duties.;;; 3. The experience, service or training required by paragraphs 2 (c)and (d) may be acquired through performance of duties associated withnavigational watchkeeping, but only if such duties are carried out underthe direct supervision of the master, officer in charge of thenavigational watch or a qualified rating.;;; 4. Administrations shall ensure that an authorized document is issuedto every seafarer who by experience or training is qualified in accordancewith this Regulation to serve as a rating forming part of a navigationalwatch, or that his existing document is duly endorsed.;;; 5. A seafarer may be considered by the Administration to have met therequirements of this Regulation if he has served in a relevant capacity inthe deck department for a period of not less than one year within the lastfive years preceding the entry into force of the Convention for thatAdministration.;;;; ;;;; Regulation II/7 Basic Principles to be Observed in Keeping a WatchinPort;;; 1. On any ship safely moored or safely at anchor under normalcircumstances in port, the master shall arrange for an appropriate andeffective watch to be maintained for the purpose of safety.;;; 2. In organizing the watches note shall be taken of the provisions ofthe ;Recommendation on Principles and Operational Guidance for DeckOfficers in Charge of a Watch in Port; and the ;Recommendation onPrinciples and Operational Guidance for Engineer Officers in Charge of anEngineering Watch in Port; adopted by the International Conference onTraining and Certification of Seafarers, 1978.;;;; ;;;; Regulation II/8 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for a Watch in PortonShips Carrying Hazardous Cargo;;; 1. The master of every ship carrying cargo in bulk that ishazardous-whether it is, or may be, explosive, flammable, toxic,health-threatening or environment polluting-shall ensure that a safe deckwatch and a safe engineering watch are maintained by the readyavailability on board of a duly qualified officer or officers, and ratingswhere appropriate, even when the ship is safely moored or safely at anchorin port.;;; 2. The master of every ship carrying hazardous cargo other than inbulk-whether it is,; or may be, explosive, flammable, toxic,health-threatening or environment polluting-shall in organizing safewatchkeeping arrangements take full account of the nature, quantity,packing and stowage of the hazardous cargo and of any special conditionson board, afloat and ashore.;;; 3. In organizing the watches full account shall be taken of the;Recommendation on Principles and Operational Guidance for Deck Officersin Charge of a Watch in Port; and the ;Recommendation on Principles andOperational Guidance for Engineer Officers in Charge of an EngineeringWatch in Port; adopted by the International Conference on Training andCertification of Seafarers, 1978.CHARTER III. ENGINE DEPARTMENT;;;; ;;;; Regulation III/1 Basic Principles to be Observed in Keeping an En-gineering Watch;;; 1. Parties shall direct the attention of shipowners, ship operators,masters, chief engineer officers and watchkeeping personnel to thefollowing principles which shall be observed to ensure that a safeengineering watch is maintained at all times.;; ;2. The term ;watch; is used in this Regulation to mean either a groupof personnel composing the watch or a period of responsibility for anengineer officer during which his physical presence in the machinery spacemay or may not be required.;;; 3. The basic principles, including but not limited to the following,shall be taken into account on all ships.;;; 4. General;;;;;;; (a) The chief engineer officer of every ship is bound, inconsultation with the master, to ensure that watchkeeping arrangements areadequate to maintain a safe watch. When deciding the composition of thewatch, which may include appropriate engine room ratings, the followingcriteria, inter alia, shall be taken into account:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) type of ship;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) type and condition of the machinery;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) special modes of operation dictated by conditions suchas weather, ice, contaminated water, shallow water, emergency conditions,damage containment or pollution abatement;;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) qualifications and experience of the watch;;;;;;;;;;;; (v) safety of life, ship, cargo and port, and protection ofthe environment;;;;;;;;;;;; (vi) observance of international, national and localregulations;;;;;;;;;;;; (vii) maintaining the normal operations of the ship.;; ;;;;;(b) Under the direction of the chief engineer officer, theengineer officer in charge of the watch shall be responsible for theinspection, operation and testing, as required, of all machinery andequipment under his responsibility. The engineer officer in charge of awatch is the chief engineer officer\'s representative and his primaryresponsibility, at all times, shall be the safe and efficient operationand up-keep of machinery affecting the safety of the ship.;;;;;;; (c) The chief engineer officer shall, in consultation with themaster, determine in advance the needs of the intended voyage, taking intoconsideration the requirements for fuel, water, lubricants, chemicals,expendable and other spare parts, tools, supplies and any otherrequirements.;;; 5. Operation;;;;;;; (a) The engineer officer in charge of the watch shall ensure thatthe established watchkeeping arrangements are maintained. Under hisgeneral direction engine room ratings,; if forming part of the watch,shall be required to assist in the safe and efficient operation of thepropulsion machinery and the auxiliary equipment.;;;;;;; (b) At the commencement of the engineering watch, the currentoperational parameters and condition of all machinery shall be verified.Any machinery not functioning properly,; expected to malfunction orrequiring special service, shall be noted along with any action alreadytaken. Plans shall be made for any further action if required.;;;;;;; (c) The engineer officer in charge of the watch shall ensure thatthe main propulsion plant and auxiliary systems are kept under constantsurveillance, inspections are made of the machinery and steering gearspaces at suitable intervals and appropriate action is taken to remedy anymalfunction discovered.;;;;;;; (d) When the machinery spaces are in the manned condition, theengineer officer in charge of the watch shall at all times be readilycapable of operating the propulsion equipment in response to needs forchanges in direction or speed. When the machinery spaces are in theperiodic unmanned condition, the designated duty engineer officer incharge of the watch shall be immediately available and on call to attendthe machinery spaces.;;;;;;; (e) All bridge orders shall be promptly executed. Changes indirection or speed of the main propulsion unit shall be recorded, exceptwhere an Administration determines that the size or characteristics of aparticular ship make such recording impracticable. The engineer officer incharge of the watch shall ensure that the main propulsion unit controls,when in the manual mode of operation, are continuously attended understandby or manoeuvring conditions.;;;;;;; (f) The engineer officer in charge of the watch shall not beassigned or undertake any duties which would interfere with hissupervisory duty in respect of the main propulsion system and itsancillary equipment and he shall ensure that the main propulsion systemand auxiliary equipment are kept under constant surveillance until he isproperly relieved.;;;;;;; (g) Due attention shall be paid to the maintenance and support ofall machinery, including mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumaticsystems, their control apparatus and associated safety equipment, allaccommodation service systems equipment and the recording of stores andspare gear usage.;;;;;;; (h) The chief engineer officer shall ensure that the engineerofficer in charge of the watch is informed of all preventive maintenance,damage control, or repair operations to be performed during the watch.The engineer officer in charge of the watch shall be responsible for theisolation, by-passing and adjustment of all machinery under hisresponsibility that is to be worked on, and shall record all work carriedout.;;;;;;; (i) Before going off duty, the engineer officer in charge of thewatch shall ensure that all events related to the main and auxiliarymachinery are suitably recorded.;;;;;;; (j) To avoid any danger to the safety of the ship and its crew,the engineer officer in charge of the watch shall notify the bridgeimmediately in the event of fire, impending actions in machinery spacesthat may cause reduction in ship\'s speed, imminent steering failure,stoppage of the ship\'s propulsion system or any alteration in thegeneration of electric power, or similar threat to safety. Thisnotification, where possible,; shall be accomplished before changes aremade in order to afford the bridge the maximum available time to takewhatever actions are possible to avoid a potential marine casualty.;;;;;;; (k) When the engine room is put in a standby condition, theengineer officer in charge of the watch shall ensure that all machineryand equipment which may be used during manoeuvring is in a state ofimmediate readiness and that an adequate reserve of power is available forsteering gear and other requirements.;;; 6. Watch requirements;;;;;;; (a) Every member of the watch shall be familiar with his assignedwatchkeeping duties.;;;;;;; In addition, every member shall have with respect to that ship:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) knowledge of the use of appropriate internal communicationsystems;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) knowledge of escape routes from machinery spaces;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) knowledge of engine room alarm systems and the abilityto distinguish between;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |----|the various alarms with special reference to the | CO | alarm;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |;; 2|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |----|;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) knowledge of the positions and use of the fire-fightingequipment in the machinery spaces.;;;;;; (b) The composition of an underway watch shall, at all times, beadequate to ensure the safe operation of all machinery affecting theoperation of the ship, in either automated or manual mode and beappropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions. To achievethis, the following, inter alia, shall be taken into account:;;;;;;;; ;;;(i) adequate supervision, at all times, of machinery affectingthe safe operation of the ship;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) condition and reliability of any remotely operatedpropulsion and steering equipment and their controls, control location andthe procedures involved in placing them in a manual mode of operation inthe event of bread-down or emergency;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) location and operation of fixed fire detection, fireextinction or fire containment devices and apparatus;;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) use and operational condition of auxiliary, standby andemergency equipment affecting the safe navigation, mooring or dockingoperations of the ship;;;;;;;;;;;; (v) steps and procedures necessary to maintain the conditionof machinery installations in order to ensure their efficient operationduring all modes of ship operation;;;;;;;;;;;; (vi) any other demands on the watch which may arise as aresult of special operating circumstances.;;;;;;; (c) At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shallconsult with the master whether or not to maintain an underway watch.;;; 7. Fitness for duty;;; The watch system shall be such that the efficiency of the watch is notimpaired by fatigue. Duties shall be so organized by the chief engineerofficer that the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and thesubsequent relieving watches are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit forduty.;;; 8. Protection of the marine environment;;; All engineer officers and engine room ratings shall be aware of theserious effects of operational or accidental pollution of the marineenvironment and shall take all possible precautions to prevent suchpollution, particularly within the framework of relevant international andport regulations.;;;; ;;;; Regulation III/2 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for CertificationofChief Engineer Officers and Second Engineer Officers of Ships PoweredbyMain Propulsion Machinery of 3000 kW Propulsion Power or More;;; 1. Every chief engineer officer and second engineer officer of asea-going ship powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000 kW propulsionpower or more shall hold an appropriate certificate.;;; 2. Every candidate for certification shall:;;;;;;; (a) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness, includingeyesight and hearing.;;;;;;; (b) meet the requirements for certification as an engineer officerin charge of a watch; and;;;;;;;;;;; (i) for certification as second engineer officer, have notless than 12 months\' approved sea-going service as assistant engineerofficer or engineer officer;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) for certification as chief engineer officer, have notless than 36 months\' approved sea-going service of which not less than 12months shall be served as an engineer officer in a position ofresponsibility while qualified to serve as second engineer officer;;;;;;;; (c) have attended an approved practical fire-fighting course;;;;;;;; (d) have passed appropriate examination to the satisfaction of theAdministration. Such examination shall include the material set out in theAppendix to this Regulation, except that the Administration may vary theseexamination requirements for officers of ships with limited propulsionpower that are engaged on near-coastal voyages, as it considers necessary,bearing in mind the effect on the safety of all ships which may beoperating in the same waters.;;; 3. Training to achieve the necessary theoretical knowledge andpractical experience shall take into account relevant internationalregulations and recommendations.;;; 4. The level of knowledge required under the different paragraphs ofthe Appendix may be varied according to whether the certificate is beingissued at chief engineer officer and second engineer officer level.;;;; ;;;; APPENDIX TO REGULATION III/2 MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED FOR CERTI-FICATION OF CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICERS AND SECOND ENGINEER OFFICERS OF SHIPSPOWERED BY MAIN PROPULSION MACHINERY OF 3000 kW PROPULSION POWER OR MORE;;; 1. The syllabus given below is compiled for examination of candidatesfor certification as chief engineer officer or second engineer officer ofships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000 kW propulsion power ormore. Bearing in mind that a second engineer officer shall be in aposition to assume the responsibilities of a chief engineer officer at anytime, examination in these subjects shall be designed to test thecandidate\'s ability to assimilate all available information that affectsthe safe operation of the ship\'s machinery.;;; 2. With respect to paragraph 4(a) below, the Administration may omitknowledge requirements for types of propulsion machinery other than thosemachinery installations for which the certificate to be awarded shall bevalid. A certificate awarded on such a basis shall not be valid for anycategory of machinery installation which has been omitted until theengineer officer proves to be competent in these items to the satisfactionof the Administration. Any such limitation shall be stated in thecertificate.;;; 3. Every candidate shall possess theoretical knowledge in thefollowing subjects:;;;;;;; (a) thermodynamics and heat transmission;;;;;;;; (b) mechanics and hydromechanics;;;;;;;; (c) operational principles of ships\' power installations (diesel,steam and gas turbine) and refrigeration;;;;;;;; (d) physical and chemical properties of fuels and lubricants;;;;;;;; (e) technology of materials;;;;;;;; (f) chemistry and physics of fire and extinguishing agents;;;;;;;; (g) marine electrotechnology, electronics and electricalequipment;;;;;;;; (h) fundamentals of automation, instrumentation and controlsystems;;;;;;;; (i) naval architecture and ship construction, including damagecontrol.;;; 4. Every candidate shall possess adequate practical knowledge in atleast the following subjects:;;;;;;; (a) operation and maintenance of:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) marine diesel engines;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) marine steam propulsion plant;;;;;;;;;;; ;(iii) marine gas turbines;;;;;;;; (b) operation and maintenance of auxiliary machinery, includingpumping and piping systems,; auxiliary boiler plant and steering gearsystems;;;;;;;; (c) operation, testing and maintenance of electrical and controlequipment;;;;;;;; (d) operation and maintenance of cargo handling equipment and deckmachinery;;;;;;;; (e) detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults andaction to prevent damage;;;;;;;; (f) organization of safe maintenance and repair procedures;;;;;;;; (g) methods of, and aids for, fire prevention, detection andextinction;;;;;;;; (h) methods and aids to prevent pollution of the environment byships;;;;;;;; (i) regulations to be observed to prevent pollution of the marineenvironment;;;;;;;; (j) effects of marine pollution on the environment;;;;;;;; (k) first aid related to injuries which might be expected inmachinery spaces and use of first aid equipment;;;;;;;; (l) functions and use of life-saving appliances;;;;;;;; (m) methods of damage control;;;;;;;; (n) safe working practices.;;; 5. Every candidate shall possess a knowledge of international maritimelaw embodied in international agreements and conventions as they affectthe specific obligations and responsibilities of the engine department,particularly those concerning safety and the protection of the marineenvironment. The extent of knowledge of national maritime legislation isleft to the discretion of the Administration but shall include nationalarrangements for implementing international agreements and conventions.;;; 6. Every candidate shall possess a knowledge of personnel management,organization and training aboard ships.;;;; ;;;; Regulation III/3 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for CertificationofChief Engineer Officers and Second Engineer Officers of Ships PoweredbyMain Propulsion Machinery between 750 kW and 3000 kW Propulsion Power;;; 1. Every chief engineer officer and second engineer officer of asea-going ship powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 and3000 kW propulsion power shall hold an appropriate certificate.;;; 2. Every candidate for certification shall:;;;;;;; (a) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness, includingeyesight and hearing;;;;;;;; (b) meet the requirements for certification as an engineer officerin charge of a watch; and;;;;;;;;;;; (i) for certification as second engineer officer, have notless than 12 months\' approved sea-going service as assistant engineerofficer or engineer officer;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) for certification as chief engineer officer, have notless than 24 months\' approved sea-going service of which not less than 12months shall be served while qualified to serve as second engineerofficer;;;;;;;; (c) have attended an approved practical fire-fighting course;;;;;;;; (d) have passed appropriate examination to the satisfaction of theAdministration. Such examination shall include the material set out in theAppendix to this Regulation, except that the Administration may vary therequirements for examination and sea-going service for officers of shipsengaged on near-coastal voyages, bearing in mind the types of automaticand remotely operated controls with which such ships are fitted and theeffect on the safety of all ships which may be operating in the samewaters.;;; 3. Training to achieve the necessary theoretical knowledge andpractical experience shall take into account relevant internationalregulations and recommendations.;;; 4. The level of knowledge required under the different paragraphs ofthe Appendix may be varied according to whether the certificate is beingissued at chief engineer officer or second engineer officer level.;;; 5. Every engineer officer who is qualified to serve as second engineerofficer of ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000 kWpropulsion power or more, may serve as chief engineer officer of shipspowered by main propulsion machinery of less than 3000 kW propulsion powerprovided that not less than 12 months\' approved sea-going service shallhave been served as an engineer officer in a position of responsibility.;;;; ;;;; APPENDIX TO REGULATION III/3 MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED FOR CERTI-FICATION OF CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICERS AND SECOND ENGINEER OFFICERS OF SHIPSPOWERED BY MAIN PROPULSION MACHINERY OF BETWEEN 750 kW AND 3000 kW PROPUL-SION POWER;;; 1. The syllabus given below is compiled for examination of candidatesfor certification as chief engineer officer or second engineer officer ofships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and 3000 kWpropulsion power. Bearing in mind that a second engineer officer shall bein a position to assume the responsibilities of the chief engineer officerat any time, examination in these subjects shall be designed to test thecandidate\'s ability to assimilate all available information that affectsthe safe operation of the ship\'s machinery.;;; 2. With respect to paragraphs 3(d) and 4(a) below, the Administrationmay omit knowledge requirements for types of propulsion machinery otherthan those machinery installations for which the certificate to be awardedshall be valid. A certificate awarded on such a basis shall not be validfor any category of machinery installation which has been omitted untilthe engineer officer proves to be competent in these items to thesatisfaction of the Administration. Any such limitation shall be stated inthe certificate.;;; 3. Every candidate shall possess sufficient elementary theoreticalknowledge to understand the basic principles involved in the followingsubjects:;;; (a) combustion processes;;;; (b) heat transmission;;;; (c) mechanics and hydromechanics;;;; (d) (i) marine diesel engines;;;;;;;; (ii) marine steam propulsion plant;;;;;;;; (iii) marine gas turbines;;;; (e) steering gear systems;;;; (f) properties of fuels and lubricants;;;; (g) properties of materials;;;; (h) fire-extinguishing agents;;;; (i) marine electrical equipment;;;; (j) automation, instrumentation and control systems;;;; (k) ship construction, including damage control;;;; (l) auxiliary systems.;;; 4. Every candidate shall possess adequate practical knowledge, in atleast the following subjects:;;;;;;; (a) operation and maintenance of:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) marine diesel engines;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) marine steam propulsion plant;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) marine gas turbines;;;;;;;; (b) operation and maintenance of auxiliary machinery systems,including steering gear systems;;;;;;;; (c) operation, testing and maintenance of electrical and controlequipment;;;;;;;; (d) operation and maintenance of cargo handling equipment and deckmachinery;;;;;;;; (e) detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults andaction to prevent damage;;;;;;;; (f) organization of safe maintenance and repair procedures;;;;;;;; (g) methods of, and aids for, fire prevention, detection andextinction;;;;;;;; (h) regulations to be observed regarding pollution of the marineenvironment and methods and aids to prevent such pollution;;;;;;;; (i) first aid related to injuries which might be expected inmachinery spaces and use of first aid equipment;;;;;;;; (j) functions and use of life-saving appliances;;;;;;;; (k) methods of damage control with specific reference to action tobe taken in the event of flooding of sea water into the engine room;;;;;;;; (l) safe working practices.;;; 5. Every candidate shall possess a knowledge of international maritimelaw as embodied in international agreements and conventions as they affectthe specific obligations and responsibilities of the engine department,particularly those concerning safety and the protection of the marineenvironment. The extent of knowledge of national maritime legislation isleft to the discretion of the Administration but shall include nationalarrangements for implementing international agreements and conventions.;;; 6. Every candidate shall possess a knowledge of personnel management,organization and training aboard ships.;;;; ;;;; Regulation III/4 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for CertificationofEngineer Officers in Charge of a Watch in a Traditionally Manned EngineRoom or Designated Duty Engineer Officers in a Periodically Unmanned En-gine Room;;; 1. Every engineer officer in charge of a watch in a traditionallymanned engine room or the designated duty engineer officer in aperiodically unmanned engine room on a sea-going ship powered by mainpropulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more shall hold anappropriate certificate.;;; 2. Every candidate for certification shall:;;;;;;; (a) be not less than 18 years of age;;;;;;;; (b) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness, includingeyesight and hearing;;;;;;;; (c) have not less than a total of three years approved educationor training, relevant to the duties of a marine engineer;;;;;;;; (d) have completed an adequate period of sea-going service whichmay have been included within the period of three years stated insub-paragraph (c);;;;;;;; (e) satisfy the Administration that he has the theoretical andpractical knowledge of the operation and maintenance of marine machineryappropriate to the duties of an engineer officer;;;;;;;; (f) have attended an approved practical fire-fighting course;;;;;;;; (g) have knowledge of safe working practices.;;; The Administration may vary the requirement of sub-paragraphs (c) and(d) for engineer officers of ships powered by main propulsion machinery ofless than 3000 kW propulsion power engaged on near-coastal voyages,bearing in mind the effect on the safety of all ships which may beoperating in the same waters.;;; 3. Every candidate shall have knowledge of the operation andmaintenance of main and auxiliary machinery, which shall include knowledgeof relevant regulatory requirements and also knowledge of at least thefollowing specific items:;;; (a) Watchkeeping routines;;;;;;; (i) duties associated with taking over and accepting a watch;;;;;;;; (ii) routine duties undertaken during a watch;;;;;;;; (iii) maintenance of the machinery space log book and thesignificance of readings taken;;;;;;;; (iv) duties associated with handing over a watch.;;; (b) Main and auxiliary machinery;;;;;;; (i) assisting in the preparation of main machinery and preparationof auxiliary machinery for operation;;;;;;;; (ii) operation of steam boilers, including combustion system;;;;;;;; (iii) methods of checking water level in steam boilers and actionnecessary if water level is abnormal;;;;;;;; (iv) location of common faults of machinery and plant in engineand boiler rooms and action necessary to prevent damage.;;; (c) Pumping systems;;;;;;; (i) routine pumping operations;;;;;;;; (ii) operation of bilge, ballast and cargo pumping systems.;;; (d) Generating plant;;;;;;; Preparing, starting, coupling and changing over alternators orgenerators.;;; (e) Safety and emergency procedures;;;;;;; (i) safety precautions to be observed during a watch and immediateactions to be taken in the event of a fire or accident, with particularreference to oil systems.;;;;;;; (ii) safe isolation of electrical and other types of plant andequipment required before personnel are permitted to work on such plantand equipment.;;; (f) Anti-pollution procedures;;;;;;; The precautions to be observed to prevent pollution of theenvironment by oil, cargo residue, sewage, smoke or other pollutants. Theuse of pollution prevention equipment,; including oily water separators,sludge tank systems and sewage disposal plant.;;; (g) First aid;;;;;;; Basic first aid related to injuries which might be expected inmachinery spaces.;;; 4. Where steam boilers do not form part of a ship\'s machinery, theAdministration may omit the knowledge requirements of paragraphs 3 (b)(ii) and (iii). A certificate awarded on such a basis shall not be validfor service on ships in which steam boilers form part of a ship\'smachinery until the engineer officer proves to be competent in the omitteditems to the satisfaction of the Administration. Any such limitationsshall be stated in the certificate.;;; 5. The training to achieve the necessary theoretical knowledge andpractical experience shall take into account relevant internationalregulations and recommendations.;;;; ;;;; Regulation III/5 Mandatory Minimum Requirements to Ensure the Con-tinued Proficiency and Updating of Knowledge for Engineer Officers;;; 1. Every engineer officer holding a certificate who is serving at seaor intends to return to sea after a period ashore shall, in order tocontinue to qualify for sea-going service in the rank appropriate to hiscertificate, be required at regular intervals not exceeding five years tosatisfy the Administration as to:;;; (a) medical fitness, including eyesight and hearing; and;;; (b) professional competence:;;;;;;; (i) by approved service as an engineer officer of at least oneyear during the preceding five years; or;;;;;;; (ii) by virtue of having performed functions relating to theduties appropriate to the grade of certificate held which is considered tobe at least equivalent to the seagoing service required in paragraph 1(b);(i); or;;;;;;; (iii) by one of the following:;;;;;;;;;;;;; -passing an approved test; or;;;;;;;;;;;;; -successfully completing an approved course or courses; or;;;;;;;;;;;;; -having completed approved sea-going service as an engineerofficer for a period of not less than three months in a supernumerarycapacity; or in a lower rank than that for which he holds the certificate,immediately prior to taking up the rank to which he is entitled by virtueof his certificate.;;; 2. The course or courses referred to in paragraph 1 (b) (iii) shallinclude, in particular,; changes in the relevant international regulationsand recommendations concerning the safety of life at sea and theprotection of the marine environment.;;; 3. The Administration shall ensure that the texts of recent changes ininternational regulations concerning the safety of life at sea and theprotection of the marine environment are made available to ships under itsjurisdiction.;;;; ;;;; Regulation III/6 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Ratings Form-ing Part of an Engine Room Watch;;; 1. The minimum requirements for a rating if forming part of an engineroom watch shall be set out in paragraph 2. These requirements are notfor:;;; (a) a rating nominated as the assistant to the engineer officer incharge of the watch;;;; (b) a rating who is under training;;;; (c) a rating whose duties while on watch are of an unskilled nature.;;; 2. Every rating forming part of an engine room watch shall:;;; (a) be not less than 16 years of age;;;; (b) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness, includingeyesight and hearing;;;; (c) satisfy the Administration as to:;;;;;;; (i) experience or training regarding fire-fighting, basic firstaid, personal survival techniques, health hazards and personal safety;;;;;;;; (ii) ability to understand orders, and make himself understood inmatters relevant to his duties;;;; (d) satisfy the Administration that he has:;;;;;;; (i) shore experience relevant to his sea-going duties supplementedby an adequate period of sea-going service as required by theAdministration; or;;;;;;; (ii) undergone special training either pre-sea or on board ship,including an adequate period of sea-going service as required by theAdministration; or;;;;;;; (iii) approved sea-going service of at least six months.;;; 3. Every such rating shall have knowledge of:;;;;;;; (a) engine room watchkeeping procedures and the ability to carryout a watch routine appropriate to his duties;;;;;;;; (b) safe working practices as related to engine room operations;;;;;;;; (c) terms used in machinery spaces and names of machinery andequipment relative to his duties;;;;;;;; (d) basic environmental protection procedures.;;; 4. Every rating required to keep a boiler watch shall have knowledgeof the safe operation of boilers, and shall have the ability to maintainthe correct water levels and steam pressures.;;; 5. Every rating forming part of an engine room watch shall be familiarwith his watchkeeping duties in the machinery spaces on the ship on whichhe is to serve. In particular, with respect to that ship the rating shallhave:;;;;;;; (a) knowledge of the use of appropriate internal communicationsystems;;;;;;;; (b) knowledge of escape routes from machinery spaces;;;;;;;; (c) knowledge of engine room alarm systems and ability todistinguish between the various alarms with special reference to fireextinguishing gas alarms;;;;;;;; (d) familiarity with the location and use of fire-fightingequipment in the machinery spaces.;;; 6. A seafarer may be considered by the Administration to have met therequirements of this Regulation if he has served in a relevant capacity inthe engine department for a period of not less than one year within thelast five years preceding the entry into force of the Convention for thatAdministration.;;;; ;;;; CHAPTER IV. RADIO DEPARTMENT RADIO WATCHKEEPING AND MAINTENANCE;;; Explanatory note:;;; Mandatory provisions relating to radio watchkeeping are set forth inthe Radio Regulations,; and the safety radio watchkeeping and maintenanceprovisions are set forth in the International Convention for the Safety ofLife at Sea and in the Radio Regulations, are these two sets ofRegulations may be amended and are in force. Attention is also directed tothe relevant resolutions adopted by the International Conference onTraining and Certification of Seafarers,; 1978.;;;; ;;;; Regulation IV/1 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for CertificationofRadio Officers;;; 1. Every radio officer in charge of, or performing, radio duties in aship shall hold an appropriate certificate or certificates issued orrecognised by the Administration under the provisions of the RadioRegulations, and have adequate qualifying service.;;; 2. In addition, a radio officer shall:;;;;;;; (a) be not less than 18 years of age;;;;;;;; (b) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness, particularlyregarding eyesight, hearing and speech;;;;;;;; (c) meet the requirements of the Appendix to this Regulation.;;; 3. Every candidate for a certificate shall be required to pass anexamination or examinations to the satisfaction of the Administrationconcerned.;;; 4. The level of knowledge required for certification shall besufficient for the radio officer to carry out this radio duties safely andefficiently. In determining the appropriate level of knowledge and thetraining necessary to achieve that knowledge and practical ability, theAdministration shall take into account the requirements of the RadioRegulations and the Appendix to this Regulation. Administrations shallalso take into account the relevant resolutions adopted by theInternational Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers, 1978,and relevant IMCO recommendations.;;;; ;;;; APPENDIX TO REGULATION IV/1 MINIMUM ADDITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND TR-AINING REQUIREMENTS FOR RADIO OFFICERS;;; In addition to satisfying the requirements for the issue of acertificate in compliance with the Radio Regulations, radio officers shallhave knowledge and training, including practical training, in thefollowing:;;;;;;; (a) the provision of radio services in emergencies, including:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) abandon ship;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) fire aboard ship;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) partial or full breakdown of the radio station;;;;;;;; (b) the operation of lifeboats, liferafts, buoyant apparatus andtheir equipment, with special reference to portable and fixed lifeboatradio apparatus and emergency position-indicating radio beacons;;;;;;;; (c) survival at sea;;;;;;;; (d) first aid;;;;;;;; (e) fire prevention and fire-fighting with particular reference tothe radio installation;;;;;;;; (f) preventive measures for the safety of ship and personnel inconnexion with hazards related to radio equipment, including electrical,radiation, chemical and mechanical hazards;;;;;;;; (g) the use of the IMCO Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual(MERSAR) with particular reference to radiocommunications;;;;;;;; (h) ship position-reporting systems and procedures;;;;;;;; (i) the use of the International Code of Signals and the IMCOStandard Marine Navigational Vocabulary;;;;;;;; (j) radio medical systems and procedures.;;;; ;;;; Regulation IV/2 Mandatory Minimum Requirements to Ensure the Con-tinued Proficiency and Updating of Knowledge for Radio Officers;;; 1. Every radio officer holding a certificate or certificates issued orrecognized by the Administration shall, in order to continue to qualifyfor sea-going service, be required to satisfy the Administration as to thefollowing:;;;;;;; (a) medical fitness, particularly regarding eyesight, hearing andspeech, at regular intervals not exceeding five years; and;;;;;;; (b) professional competence:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) by approved radiocommunications service as a radio officerwith no single interruption of service exceeding five years;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) following such interruption, by passing an approved testor successfully completing an approved training course or courses at seaor ashore, which shall include elements that are of direct relevance tothe safety of life at sea and modern radiocommunication equipment and mayalso include radionavigation equipment.;;; 2. When new modes, equipment or practices are being introduced aboardships entitled to fly its flag, the Administration may require radioofficers to pass an approved test or successfully complete an appropriatetraining course or courses, at sea or ashore, with particular reference tosafety duties.;;; 3. Every radio officer shall, to continue to qualify for sea-goingservice on board particular types of ships for which special trainingrequirements have been internationally agreed upon,; successfully completeapproved relevant training or examinations which shall take into accountrelevant international regulations and recommendations.;;; 4. The Administration shall ensure that the texts of recent changes ininternational regulations relating to radiocommunications and relevant tothe safety of life at sea, are available to ships under its jurisdiction.;;; 5. Administrations are encouraged, in consultation with thoseconcerned, to formulate or promote the formulation of a structure ofrefresher and updating courses, either voluntary or mandatory, asappropriate, at sea or ashore, for radio officers who are serving at seaand especially for re-entrants to sea-going service. The course or coursesshall include elements that are of direct relevance to radio duties andinclude changes in marine radiocommunication technology and relevantinternational regulations and recommendations concerning the safety oflife at sea.;;;; ;;;; Regulation IV/3 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for CertificationofRadiotelephone Operators;;; 1. Every radiotelephone operator in charge of, or performing, radioduties in a ship shall hold an appropriate certificate or certificatesissued or recognized by the Administration under the provisions of theRadio Regulations.;;; 2. In addition, such radiotelephone operator of a ship which isrequired to have a radiotelephone station by the International Conventionfor the Safety of Life at Sea, shall:;;;;;;; (a) be not less than 18 years of age;;;;;;;; (b) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness, particularlyregarding eyesight, hearing and speech;;;;;;;; (c) meet the requirements of the Appendix to this Regulation.;;; 3. Every candidate for a certificate shall be required to pass anexamination or examinations to the satisfaction of the Administrationconcerned.;;; 4. The level of knowledge required for certification shall besufficient for the radiotelephone operator to carry out his radio dutiessafely and efficiently. In determining the appropriate level of knowledgeand the training necessary to achieve that knowledge and practicalability,; the Administration shall take into account the requirements ofthe Radio Regulations and the Appendix to this Regulation. Administrationsshall also take into account the relevant resolutions adopted by theInternational Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers 1978,and relevant IMCO recommendations.;;;; ;;;; APPENDIX TO REGULATION IV/3 MINIMUM ADDITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND TR-AINING REQUIREMENTS FOR RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATORS;;; In addition to satisfying the requirements for the issue of acertificate in compliance with the Radio Regulations, radiotelephoneoperators shall have knowledge and training, including practical training,in the following:;;;;;;; (a) the provision of radio services in emergencies, including:;;;;;;;;;;; (i) abandon ship;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) fire aboard ship;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) partial or full breakdown of the radio station;;;;;;;; (b) the operation of lifeboats, liferafts, buoyant apparatus andtheir equipment, with special reference to portable and fixed lifeboatradio apparatus and emergency position-indicating radio beacons;;;;;;;; (c) survival at sea;;;;;;;; (d) first aid;;;;;;;; (e) fire prevention and fire-fighting with particular reference tothe radio installation;;;;;;;; (f) preventive measures for the safety of ship and personnel inconnexion with hazards related to radio equipment, including electrical,radiation, chemical and mechanical hazards;;;;;;;; (g) the use of the IMCO Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual(MERSAR) with particular reference to radiocommunications;;;;;;;; (h) ship position-reporting systems and procedures;;;;;;;; (i) the use of the International Code of Signals and the IMCOStandard Marine Navigational Vocabulary;;;;;;;; (j) radio medical systems and procedures.;;;; ;;;; CHAPTER V. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TANKERS ;;;; ;;;; Regulation V/1 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Training andQualifications of Masters, Officers and Ratings of Oil Tankers;;; 1. Officers and ratings who are to have specific duties, andresponsibilities related to those duties, in connexion with cargo andcargo equipment on oil tankers and who have not served on board an oiltanker as part of the regular complement, before carrying out such dutiesshall have completed an appropriate shore-based fire-fighting course; and;;;;;;; (a) an appropriate period of supervised shipboard service in orderto acquire adequate knowledge of safe operational practices; or;;;;;;; (b) an approved oil tanker familiarization course which includesbasic safety and pollution prevention precautions and procedures, layoutsof different types of oil tankers, types of cargo, their hazards and theirhandling equipment, general operational sequence and oil tankerterminology.;;; 2. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineerofficers and, if other than the foregoing, any person with the immediateresponsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit or handling ofcargo, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 1, shall have:;;;;;;; (a) relevant experience appropriate to their duties on oiltankers; and;;;;;;; (b) completed a specialized training programme appropriate totheir duties, including oil tanker safety, fire safety measures andsystems, pollution prevention and control, operational practice andobligations under applicable laws and regulations.;;; 3. Within two years after the entry into force of the Convention for aParty, a seafarer may be considered to have met the requirements ofparagraph 2(b) if he has served in a relevant capacity on board oiltankers for a period of not less than one year within the preceding fiveyears.;;;; ;;;; Regulation V/2 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Training andQualifications of Masters, Officers and Ratings of Chemical Tankers;;; 1. Officers and ratings who are to have specific duties, andresponsibilities related to those duties, in connexion with cargo andcargo equipment on chemical tankers and who have not served on board achemical tanker as part of the regular complement, before carrying outsuch duties shall have completed an appropriate shore-based fire-fightingcourse; and;;;;;;; (a) an appropriate period of supervised shipboard service in orderto acquire adequate knowledge of safe operational practices; or;;;;;;; (b) an approved chemical tanker familiarization course whichincludes basic safety and pollution prevention precautions and procedures,layouts of different types of chemical tankers, types of cargo, theirhazards and their handling equipment, general operational sequence andchemical tanker terminology.;;; 2. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineerofficers and, if other than the foregoing, any person with the immediateresponsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit or handling ofcargo, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 1, shall have:;;;;;;; (a) relevant experience appropriate to their duties on chemicaltankers; and;;;;;;; (b) completed a specialized training programme appropriate totheir duties including chemical tanker safety, fire safety measures andsystems, pollution prevention and control,; operational practice andobligations under applicable laws and regulations.;;; 3. Within two years after the entry into force of the Convention for aParty, a seafarer may be considered to have met the requirements ofparagraph 2 (b) if he has served in a relevant capacity on board chemicaltankers for a period of not less than one year within the preceding fiveyears.;;;; ;;;; Regulation V/3 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Training andQualifications of Masters, Officers and Ratings of Liquefied Gas Tankers;;; 1. Officers and ratings who are to have specific duties, andresponsibilities related to those duties, in connexion with cargo andcargo equipment on liquefied gas tankers and who have not served on boarda liquefied gas tanker as part of the regular complement, before carryingout such duties shall have completed an appropriate shore-basedfire-fighting course; and;;;;;;; (a) an appropriate period of supervised shipboard service in orderto acquire adequate knowledge of safe operational practices; or;;;;;;; (b) an approved liquefied gas tanker familiarization course whichincludes basic safety and pollution prevention precautions and procedures,layouts of difference types of liquefied gas tankers, types of cargo,their hazards and their handling equipment, general operational sequenceand liquefied gas tanker terminology.;;; 2. Masters, chief engineer officers, chief mates, second engineerofficers and, if other than the foregoing, any person with the immediateresponsibility for loading, discharging and care in transit or handling ofcargo, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 1, shall have:;;;;;;; (a) relevant experience appropriate to their duties on liquefiedgas tankers; and;;;;;;; (b) completed a specialized training programme appropriate totheir duties including liquefied gas tanker safety, fire safety measuresand systems, pollution prevention and control, operational practice andobligations under applicable laws and regulations.;;; 3. Within two years after the entry into force of the Convention for aParty, a seafarer may be considered to have met the requirements ofparagraph 2(b) if he has served in a relevant capacity on board liquefiedgas tankers for a period of not less than one year within the precedingfive years.;;;; ;;;; CHAPTER VI. PROFICIENCY IN SURVIVAL CRAFT ;;;; ;;;; Regulation VI/1 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the Issue ofCertificates of Proficiency in Survival Craft;;; Every seafarer to be issued with a certificate of proficiency insurvival craft shall:;;;;;;; (a) be not less than 17 1/2 years of age;;;;;;;; (b) satisfy the Administration as to medical fitness;;;;;;;; (c) have approved sea-going service of not less than 12 months orhave attended an approved training course and have approved sea-goingservice of not less than nine months;;;;;;;; (d) satisfy the Administration by examination or by continuousassessment during an approved training course that he possesses knowledgeof the contents of the Appendix to this Regulation;;;;;;;; (e) demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administration byexamination or by continuous assessment during an approved training coursethat he possesses the ability to:;;;;;;; ;;;;(i) don a life-jacket correctly; safely jump from a heightinto the water; board a survival craft from the water while wearing alife-jacket;;;;;;;;;;;; (ii) right an inverted liferaft while wearing a life-jacket;;;;;;;;;;;; (iii) interpret the markings on survival craft with respect tothe number of persons they are permitted to carry;;;;;;;;;;;; (iv) make the correct commands required for launching andboarding the survival craft, clearing the ship and handling anddisembarking from the survival craft;;;;;;;;;;;; (v) prepare and launch survival craft safely into the waterand clear the ship\'s side quickly;;;;;;;;;;;; (vi) deal with injured persons both during and afterabandonment;;;;;;;;;;;; (vii) row and steer, erect a mast, set the sails, manage aboat under sail and steer a boat by compass;;;;;;;;;;;; (viii) use signalling equipment, including pyrotechnics;;;;;;;;;;;; (ix) use portable radio equipment for survival craft.;;;; ;;;; APPENDIX TO REGULATION VI/I MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED FOR THE IS-SUE OF CERTIFICATES OF PROFICIENCY IN SURVIVAL CRAFT;;; 1. Types of emergency situations which may occur, such as collisions,fire, foundering.;;; 2. Principles of survival including:;;; (a) value of training and drills;;;; (b) need to be ready for any emergency;;;; (c) actions to be taken when called to survival craft stations;;;; (d) actions to be taken when required to abandon ship;;;; (e) actions to be taken when in the water;;;; (f) actions to be taken when aboard a survival craft;;;; (g) main dangers to survivors.;;; 3. Special duties assigned to each crew member as indicated in themuster list, including the differences between the signals calling allcrew to survival craft and to fire stations.;;; 4. Types of life-saving appliances normally carried on board ships.;;; 5. Construction and outfit of survival craft and individual items oftheir equipment.;;; 6. Particular characteristics and facilities of survival craft.;;; 7. Various types of devices used for launching survival craft.;;; 8. Methods of launching survival craft into a rough sea.;;; 9. Action to be taken after leaving the ship.;;; 10. Handling survival craft in rough weather.;;; 11. Use of painter, sea anchor and all other equipment.;;; 12. Apportionment of food and water in survival craft.;;; 13. Methods of helicopter rescue.;;; 14. Use of the first aid kit and resuscitation techniques.;;; 15. Radio devices carried in survival craft, including emergencyposition-indicating radio beacons.;;; 16. Effects of hypothermia and its prevention; use of protectivecovers and protective garments.;;; 17. Methods of starting and operating a survival craft engine and itsaccessories together with the use of fire extinguisher provided.;;; 18. Use of emergency boats and motor lifeboats for marshallingliferafts and rescue of survivors and persons in the sea.;;; 19. Beaching a survival craft.




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